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Word war


VICE PRESIDENT Leni Robredo has barely warmed her seat as co-chair of the Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs (ICAD) and already the war against illegal drugs has just turned from violent to…well, verbal.

House Speaker Allan Peter Cayetano fired the first broadside, denigrating Robredo’s call to end drug killings as “all talk.”

“I’ve been monitoring for the last three days, and parang from ‘Operation Tokhang’, parang naging ‘Operation All-Talk’ eh. Well, nagulat ako. I guess it just so happens that the Vice President is the favorite [of the] media, or she likes media exposure,” said Cayetano.

Robredo had raised the suggestion that there might be a need to scrap Operation Tokhang, which had become contentious for the killings associated with it.

Even Robredo’s reaching out to various sectors and setting a meeting with UN officials for insights on winning the war against drugs did not sit well with Cayetano.

“Pag-upo pa lang, ‘UN papasukin daw, tokhang tanggalin mo, etc.’ So, it’s hard to know… why already all of these ideas and criticisms?” bitched Cayetano.

To Cayetano’s tat, the VP spokesperson’s tit.

“If Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano cannot help in the Vice President’s task, he can at least refrain from maligning,” volleyed Barry Gutierrez, Robredo’s spokesperson.

Furthered he: “The Vice President has just started with her job that was passed on to her by the President. She has not even been in office for a week.”

Citing the imperative of a united stand among government agencies and officials in the campaign against illegal drugs, Gutierrez warned: “If we are fighting among ourselves this early, the drug lords will rejoice.”

Of course, it is not difficult to comprehend where Cayetano’s hugot against Robredo is coming from. The Vice President is one insurmountable obstacle to the co-sharing Speaker’s presidential delusions, er, ambitions, in 2022.

Or haven’t you heard of alleged fundraising, principally through the Build, Build, Build program, already at full throttle this early for Cayetano?


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