Wishful thinking



    Reported in the news as “seeing that their issues and concerns only ‘fall on deaf ears,’” the protesting quarrymen of the Biyaya A Luluguran at Sisikapan (Balas) have on Monday “elevated” their call of resignation to the very governor himself, Eddie T. Panlilio.

    The governor, to their belief, “has become an integral part, if not the entire reason, of much of the issues they are raising against (putative Provincial Administrator Atty. Vivian) Dabu.” So Sun-Star Pampanga’s story said.

    Furthered the report: “In truth, the Balas’ concerns are just micro issues but the governor seems to have a difficult time answering and solving them. We cannot wait much longer for him to act,” former Balas personnel head Chris Ocampo said, adding that Panlilio has become more and more determined to keep Dabu despite the latter’s “collapsing image and credibility among former supporters.””

    “So stop appending those bobo epithets at each referral to the Balas boys in your columns. We are not bobo.” It is now my seminary brother, once Balas supervisor, talking.

    Yeah, the same one I wrote about on September 2 here as hurtfully saying “Your opinions on the Balas issue, always punctuated with a “bobo,” have really made us a source of ridicule and given us a real bad rep (That stands for reputation, dummy). Especially myself, what with study and learning in my very name. But we are far from stupid, contrary to your prejudgment of us.”

    Yeah, the same one I asked: “So are you shifting from your “reform” gear to get to the higher drive of recall?”

    And who answered: “All it takes is a step on the clutch of issues, to follow your analogy, and go really overdrive.”

    “Now, we are on overdrive.” Gleefully he roared, fisting the air with such gusto that the other coffee addicts at Fiorgelato, SM City Pampanga thought he just won the lotto.
    The cynic that I am could not help but reign in his enthusiasm, to rain on his parade, as the cliché says: “You think your Among Gov will resign just because you are now asking him to? If he will not even entertain any thought of parting from Dabu despite all those demands for her ouster from about every sector both pro-Panlilio and against, what makes you think he will meekly submit to your call?”

    Panlilio will not resign, bobo. No way will he also reform, mas bobo. For Panlilio believes he is righteousness personified. So how can he ever be wrong?

    Don’t take my word for this, biased as you think I am against your Reverend Governor. Read his supporter, the erudite Randy David, and believe: “It is my impression that this man of the cloth brought to his position not just good intentions but also an insidious form of moral righteousness that suited him more for a scorched-earth type of crusade than for politics as we ordinarily understand it – i.e. the art of compromise. This mindset inclines one to uniformly treat every instance of opposition as an arena in which to wage war against evil, rather than as an invitation to find common ground. This is the worst attitude one can ever bring into politics.” That is from the professor’s Inquirer column last Saturday, September 6.

    You want Panlilio out? Recall him now. Or wait for 2010.Damn him to oblivion then.


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