Home Opinion Why didn’t the Blessed Virgin cite Pope Francis?

Why didn’t the Blessed Virgin cite Pope Francis?


Why did the Blessed Mother ignore Pope Francis in her prophecy in Garabandal, Spain in the 1960’s? The answer to this question would bear much on the prophecies on the end of times (not the end of the world).

First, we have to refresh ourselves about Garabandal.

We cite the Garabandal apparitions for their credibility although they have not yet been officially approved by the Church. Why? Because Garabandal’s authenticity was supported by Padre Pio, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, John Paul II during their lifetime (they were all alive on earth during the apparitions)

The Archbishop of Oviedo, Carlos Osoro Sierra, who is Apostolic Administrator of the region of Garabandal (Santander, Spain), said in May 2007: “I respect the apparitions and have known of authentic conversions… I encourage you to continue maintaining this devotion to our Mother.”

Garabandal visionary Conchita Conzales was also once taken for an audience with then Pope Paul VI who told her: “Conchita I bless you and with me the whole Church blesses you.”

The Blessed Mother appeared there many times to four girls (three of them still alive and are married with their own children) in the early 1960’s. To the visionaries, the Blessed Mother prophesied three events: the worldwide Warning, the Miracle and the Chastisement. I capitalized these three events for their prophetic significance.

The Warning was also prophesied by Jesus Himself in his appartion the Sr. Faustina Kowalska in the 1940s. It would consist of an occurence in the sky to be witnessed by all, without exception, and lead to a deep realization of one’s sins, a looking as oneself as God sees each soul.

The Miracle would be clearly from God and would form in Garabandal and, it seems, also in Medjugorje where the Blessed Mother has also been appearing since 1981. It would be permanent on earth and could be televised.

The Chastisement seems to have been revealed in detail by the Blessed Mother to Sr. Agnes Sasagwa in Japan in the 1970’s. It was a terrifying revelation of fire falling from the sky and the living envying the dead. Many would die.

When will all these prophecies start? Let’s go back to the first paragraph of this column. In Garabandal, the Blessed Mother revealed how many more popes would there be before the Warning.

Here’s how this was uncovered: In June 1963, the bells of Garabandal started to ring. Visionary Conchita Gonzalez was at home with her mother Aniceta when she heard the mournful ringing of the bells.

Here’s the recorded conversation between mother and daughter:

Conchita: “The bells are tolling for the dead! It must be for the pope (Bl. John XXIII, 1958- 1963). Now only three remain.”

Aniceta: “What nonsense are you talking about?”

Conchita: “It is not nonsense. The Virgin told me: After this pope there will only be three more.”

Aniceta: “Then what? Will it be the end of the world?”

Conchita: “The Virgin did not say the end of the world but the end of time.”

“From the Holy Virgin. ‘Actually,’” she said,”‘there will be four more,’ but one she (Our Lady) doesn’t count.”

Aniceta: “Why doesn’t she count one?”

Conchita: “That she did not say; she only said that she doesn’t count one. She did say, however, that one will reign only a short time.”

Aniceta: “And what comes then?”

Conchita: “That she did not say.”

After a shorter pause Conchita added: “The Holy Virgin told us several times that Jesus, her Son, will come back (in the Second Coming), but whether He comes then, I don’t know.”

Aniceta: “Is that everything?”

Conchita: “Yes. But she (Our Lady) also said: ‘The separated churches (or Christians) will be united again.’ There will then remain only one religion.”

The ringing of the church bells that Conchita heard was for the death of the reigning Pope John XXIII. He was followed by five more popes namely Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and the reigning Francis.

Remember that Conchita cited “three more popes” after John XXIII but that one would reign only briefly (John Paul I reigned for only 33 days) and therefore was not counted. The implication is that the Blessed Mother had actually cited four more popes, although one would be pope only for a short time.

Clearly, the count excluded Pope Francis if we are to count popes since John XXIII..

What could be the reason? Note that the prophecy supposedly said that the end of times could occur after the four.

One conclusion seems outstanding: the “end of the times” has started in the papacy of Francis. We are in the end of times.

Still, others say that controversial Pope Francis is anti-pope and should therefore not be counted.

In either case, the fact is that there have already been four popes since John XXIII. The conclusion must be clear, regardless of Pope Francis.

There is also another significant “end times” development on Garabandal. Barry Hanratty, editor of Garabandal Journal, wrote that the day after the Blessed Mother’s last apparition to her on November 13, 1965, Conchita told Albrecht Weber of Germany, who was in the village at the time, that the pope would go to Moscow before the dire prophecies happen.

None of the popes since the Garanbandal apparitions have so far gone to Moscow. Is Francis slated to go there?


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