Why did Mirjana cry profusely?


    Why did Mirjana Soldo cry profusely during her meeting with the Blessed Virgin Mary last Oct. 2? Her sadness was caught on video and could be accessed via Youtube.com- just type “Mirjana apparizione Ottobre 2”.

    If you’re a Catholic and you know Gabby Concepcion, Willie Revillame, and Pokwang, surely you must know Mirjana. She is one of the four erstwhile children (now all adults and aging) who first saw the Blessed Mother in 1981 in Medjugorje in the former Yugoslavia (now Bosnia-Herzegovina). Since then up to now, the Blessed Mother has been appearing to them with messages for all of us.

    See Mirjana’s latest video (taken by someone who was there during her 18-minute meeting with Blessed Mary) and wonder over all the tears she shed. What’s up? Amid all the unpleasant things happening in the world, are we up for even the worse, really bad as many things already are?

    Our Lady used to appear daily to the four.. After revealing 10 secrets to three of them, She has been appearing less, I think monthly, to each, but as always with a message meant for humanity. The last message was given last Oct. 25.

    The Blessed Mother said: “Dear children! In a special way I call you all to pray for my intentions so that, through your prayers, you may stop satan’s plan over this world, which is further from God every day, and which puts itself in the place of God and is destroying everything that is beautiful and good in the souls of each of you. Therefore, little children, arm yourselves with prayer and fasting so that you may be conscious of how much God loves you, and carry out God’s will. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

    Prolific Catholic writer Michael Brown (who so kindly gave me carte blanche to quote him in his writings for local publication) noted this is the first time the Blessed Mother mentioned satan in two years. “It was the first mention of satan by name in an official message since July 25, 2005,” he noted.
    I can’t help quoting Brown further: “For those who believe we are surfacing from a period of dark, who hate talk of ‘doom and gloom’, who believe not much in the devil, it was a bracing message”.
    “Events loom. Masks fall. They will continue to fall. But there will also be a rise in evil — which means we will see it more blatantly. In America— whose citizens often interpret global messages as pertaining to the U.S. (since it remains the world’s pre-eminent ‘power’) — the Blessed Mother’s reputed call to pray so that ‘you may stop Satan’s plan over this world’ no doubt will be related by many to the current election season — which so many see as a great spiritual conflict”.

    Brown said that when the Blessed Mother said the world “is further from God every day,” She was referring to humanity.

    Part of the secrets from Our Lady in Medjugorje are chastisements or punishments coming. The visionaries said that with the way the world is zooming towards evil, the chastisements have become inevitable. But their impact could be lessened.

    Our Lady appealed for the following: daily prayer of the rosary, fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, daily reading of the Bible, monthly Confession, and reception of the Holy Eucharist.


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