We are in end times?

    If there’s one thing Conchita Gonzalez, one of the visionaries of Garabandal in the first half of the 1960’s, is known for, it’s her quoting the Blessed Virgin Mary that after then reigning pope, Pope John XXIII, there would only be three more popes before the end of time. She was clear on the end of time, to distinguish it from the end of the world.

    What’s not clear is what she meant by “three more popes,” for Pope Francis is the fifth after the now sainted John XXIII. Also now sainted John Paul II was the third. Was there a failure of prophecy?

    Barry Hanratty, editor of Garabandal Journal, noted this difficulty and offers an explanation. “According to the prophecy then, the death of the third pope, John Paul II, signalled a line of demarcation, and we are now in the phase that leads up to the great prophesied events and the end of our times,” he says.

    Hanratty was not quick to dismiss Garabandal arising from the “three popes” conundrum. He notes: “… there is something we must consider which lends credence to the prophecy and that is the accuracy with which Conchita described the popes after John XXIII.”

    And he continues: “On the day Bl. Pope John died, Eloisa de la Roza Velard said to Conchita that maybe the next pope will not continue the Council. But Conchita replied emphatically that another pope will continue the Council. This of course, was Pope Paul VI.”

    “Conchita told Mother Maria Nieves Garcia, superior of the school in Burgos which the seer attended in 1966-67, that one of the popeswould have a very short reign. John Paul l reigned for 33 days,” notes Hanratty.

    Hanratty further notes: “ Conchita also told Mother Nieves, ‘El ultimo Papa antes del final de los tiempos, seria Papa, Papa y muy amante de la Virgen (the last pope before the end of the times will be Papa, Papa or the second pope of the same name and a great lover of the Virgin.

    This clearly refers to Bl. John Paul II.” Thus he concludes: “So, all these fulfilled individual prophecies weigh heavily in favour of the truth of the overall prophecy, to which there is still more.”

    Now here’s something very interesting.

    Again, let’s take it from Hanratty:

    “On the day itself or the day after her last apparition on November 13, 1965, Conchita told Albrecht Weber of Germany, who was in the village at the time, that the pope will go to Moscow. Since none of the popes so far have done that, it seems that it refers to the present pope. What we also know is that such a trip will be crucial since the Tribulation will break out immediately afterwards and Conchita has said that these things: Tribulation, Warning and Miracle will come one right after the other.

    “But how do we go from three more popes to a pope going to Moscow? The answer is that Conchita did not receive the full revelation all at once. In December of 1962, she first learned that there would be three more popes but that’s all. It was only later that she learned a pope would go to Moscow. So what we have is an interval that separates the last pope of one ‘time’ to the first of another (end?) ‘time’ and the threshold of the great prophesied events.”

    Pope Francis, by the way, has said he would want to visit Moscow.

    In December last year, on his flight from Constantinople back to Rome, Pope Francis was asked about uniting with the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow, he replied: “First I’ll say something about Orthodoxy in general, and then I’ll ‘come to Moscow. I believe we are moving forward.”

    With these in the backdrop, there is no gainsaying we are already in the stage of “end of times.”

    And Garabandal prophecies more: a warning, a miracle, and, if mankind does not change, a chastisement as never before.


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