Villar’s defense tactics

    So there are several “midnight” appointments. Let it be. These people are considered resign at the end of the President term. These also include all those other whose appointments are co-terminus with the end of the President’s term. All should resign as a matter of courtesy.

    If these are those who doubt and question their capabilities they should be questioned before the courts.

    I do not like a President of this country who could not or refuses to defend himself. In case you have missed these.

    Remember the ethics case against Senator Villar. He never appeared before his peers in the Senate. It was and still is Senator Alan Peter Cayetano who is Villar’s defender on many issues and who is also in Villar’s senatorial ticket. In the media there is former media representative Gilbert Romulla. There are also his allies in the Senate who failed to attend the Senate session when the ethics case was supposed to be discussed in the chambers plenary session.

    The last thing that was unexpected was his aging mother’s appearance on television to defend Villar against his critics. I do not think that the old lady should be embroiled in politics. But this appears to be among Villar’s political strategies.

    And some of Villar’s kin tried to turn the table on his rival Noy Noy. He “uses” his mother’s popularity in his political campaign, so they say.

    To me this is entirely different. Noy Noy is the son of a famous couple. Ninoy and Cory.

    We have a saying among capampangans: Ing santul canu eya mamungang camatis. Sa mga tagalogs: Kung ano raw ang puno siya ang bunga.

    Maybe if Noy Noy’s parents are alive they will also appear before the electorate not to defend their son but to ask for their support because Noy Noy is capable and willing to defend himself against his detractors.

    I am not for Noy Noy. I might even vote for Villar if, If he could clear himself in the ethics case filled against him. This is too late now. However, there maybe other times when Villar may run for a national public office again. Then I may change my mind against him. But there is yet to be an end to Villar’s case, particularly if he loses the presidency. Villar’s detractors are now looking into this statement of assets and liabilities together with that of his wife. Political gimmik? Maybe so. That is part of the ball game now.

    Defense Secretary Norberto Gonzales has again talked out of town. He has to prove who and how some members of the armed forces and the police have been offered bribe or have actually been bribed. A sweeping statement to say the least. The least now he could do is deny he never said such a thing. The Secretary of Defense is defenseless unless he could prove what he said.

    Tuesday next week will also be our deadline before we go off the press. By then the people should have chosen who are the nation’s new leaders in the national and local levels.

    At this point in time (Monday, May 3) people have already made up their minds who to vote for. The finishing touches of the campaign are more critical. Last minute changes in loyalty and support may still count. Money as the saying goes will flow like wine. This is something nobody could stop. This reminds me again of what the late Eddie Monteclaro said to Emerito De Jesus when he ran for a congressional seat and lost to a wealthy candidate. He said to Emy, “Pare, naniniwala ako na ang logic hindi mananalo sa logistics”. Monteclaro was the night editor at the defunct Evening news where I worked for two years.

    Vote wisely and make your vote count.


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