TRC timeline


    January 2007 – Technology Resource Center (TRC) Director General (DG) Antonio Y. Ortiz issues an Office Circular limiting Deputy Director General Dennis “Decu” L. Cunanan into signing checks of only up to P1 million.

    This effectively excluded from Cunanan’s authority all the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) at TRC from 2007 to 2008. September 2007 – DG Ortiz again issues circular reiterating that Cunanan is not authorized to sign any transaction of more than P1 million.

    November 2007 – DG Ortiz issues another circular with the same order. December 2007- DG Ortiz issues an Office Memorandum specifi cally for PDAF which states:

    “In the case of PDAF, specifically for PDAF of legislators, the group manager… concurrently the center’s legislative liaison offi cer shall act as alternate signatory of the deputy director general.”

    “This clearly bypasses me as I was only relegated to routinary offi ce operations,” Cunanan said. “My function became purely ministerial,” he added. January 4, 2010 –Cunanan formally takes over as Director General of the TRC replacing Ortiz who served as head of TRC for five years.

    Immediately after assuming the top TRC post, Cunanan discovers transactions involving hundreds of millions of pesos. “Records will show that when I was appointed as TRC director general in January 2010, I immediately directed non-government organizations and people’s organizations which had pending accounts and deficiencies with the TRC to liquidate their accounts and settle their deficiencies,” he said.

    July 16, 2010 – DG Cunanan blacklists 44 non-government organizations (NGOs) and people’s organizations (POs) banning them from doing business with TRC including eight Napoles NGOs after failing to submit liquidation reports as well as other pertinent documents on their transactions involving hundreds of millions of pesos.

    August, 2013 – The Commission on Audit (COA) releases Special Audits Office Report No. 2012-03 entitled: PDAF and Various Infrastructures including Local Projects (VILP) covering the period of audit from 2007 to 2009.

    On page 279 of the COA report, the TRC blacklist was cited by the Special Audit Team. August 20, 2013 – The TRC was implicated in the so-called pork barrel scam by whistleblower Benhur Luy as reported by the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

    Sept. 12, 2013 – Cunanan presented himself at the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee hearing chaired by Sen. TG Guingona but was never called to testify. After the hearing, Cunanan tells the committee that he will be leaving for the USA to attend the JCI congress where he is the incoming secretary-general.

    September 13, 2013 – Cunanan leaves for the US. September 16, 2013 – The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) file plunder charges against 38 individuals including Cunanan before the Office of the Ombudsman.

    September 19, 2013 – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) names six individuals who were named in the pork barrel scam as already out of the country including “a hold-over of the GMA administration.”

    September 20, 2013 – Cunanan, who is supposed to stay until Oct. 2 in the US, cuts short his trip and arrives at the NAIA on board Delta Airways flight 173.


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