Home Headlines These Creamy Lollipops are great for your kid’s ‘baon’ this back-to-school season

These Creamy Lollipops are great for your kid’s ‘baon’ this back-to-school season


As another exciting school year begins, moms once again face the challenge of preparing baon for their kids. Every morning moms wonder, “Do I have any snack that’s tasty but also healthy, that my anak will like?” With their busy schedules and so much to juggle in and out of the house, thinking and preparing good choices in the lunchbox can feel overwhelming. 

Understanding this daily challenge and mission for many moms, Milkana, Savencia Fromage & Dairy’s premium international brand, is excited to spotlight Milkana Creamy Lollipops: delightful treats created to elevate kids’ baons. This can answer many concerns of moms who often worry about all the food outside their kids’ meals, especially in occasions when there’s no time nor ideas to prepare something appetizing and nutritious. 

Milkana Creamy Lollipops bring the milky goodness of cheese into a soft & easy-to-bite snack on a stick. It’s delicious and nutritious for kids and moms everyday—formulated with milk proteins containing essential amino acids, calcium, vitamin D, and without preservatives. Every bite helps build stronger bones and supports growth and development. 

Milkana Creamy Lollipops are smartly packed to keep kids enticed to these nutritious delights. Each lollipop is individually wrapped in a shell featuring delightful marine animals that spark fun imaginations. Its easy-to-hold stick makes it convenient and mess-free, whether kids are sitting down or on-the-go.

Kids and moms can try a mix of four (4) fantastic flavors. First is Fruit Heart that comes with natural strawberry filling, lighting up kids’ eyes with its surprise. Other exciting flavors are Yogurt N Fruits, Mixed Berries, and Milky Ice Cream, each with its unique taste to transform snack times into a special experiences. 

Worried about easy, good food baons for your kids this coming school year? Don’t sweat it as Milkana helps solve the burden with its lollipops—delicious, nutritious, fun, convenient. Just pop it into your kids’ baon or save it as treat after dismissal time.

As you prepare for your kids’ baons in the new school year, consider Milkana Creamy Lollipop that brings a bite into milky goodness. Milkana is committed to deliver high-quality dairy and cheese products that families can trust in meeting the highest standards of nutrition and taste. 

Visit the nearest supermarket or order online to give kids a fantastic start to the school year.

For more information, news, and updates about Milkana’s Creamy Lollipops, please follow https://www.facebook.com/MilkanaPhilippines and https://www.instagram.com/milkanaph/.


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