The two of you

    Getting old as you grow, walk and wander through the years of Life and enter the imaginary arcade of golden age is wonderful, exciting and fun. The creases on your forehead are simply decades of evidence of your knowledge of life and people. Those eye bugs are signs and marks that you have cried for yourself, for others out of sympathy, empathy and compassion… out of success and failures. There are some tears of endless happiness, regrets and deep sorrow.

    Those sagging fat and unwanted extended waistline show that you have pampered yourself, you have enjoyed the comforts of the sweetness and delicacies of life… savor it, burn it till it’s all gone. Your bill of health reminds us that we all have an expiration date ~ to deliver our purpose ~ and mission with the lease we have in life. No one is exempted. No one is invincible. Live life to the fullest.

    As I have reached this age, I found out that there are two people within you… the Inner you and the Real you. I can’t tell sometimes who is who and better between the two. Who is more forgiving? Who is smarter? Who is more emotional? Who is practical? Who is more caring? The inner you and the real you are always on the verge of arguing and debating when it comes to issues of love, compassion, philosophies in life, forgiveness and your life’s directions.

    I know for one thing, the inner you can easily forgive and forget. On the other hand, the real you may forgive but seldom forgets. The other can move on in life quicker after losing someone dear because of death, separation or just being incompatible with someone that you both loved while the other wants to live and reminisce what was and what could have been’s. Holds on longer than the other you of grudges, emotions, bad experiences in life with friends and people.

    Truly, an extreme of the inner you. The inner you can casually go to the next Chapter of Life while the real you will pause, analyze, dwell on the happier or not so happy moments of life… treasured moments or nightmares of life – before he goes to the next Chapter. His quest for answers lingers on to prolonged frustrations while the inner you adjust quite reasonably quick believing it is a waste of time to search for answers that only time will tell.

    Your inner self can easily say… “People come and go as part of our lives and each one has a role to play…” while the real you loves to decipher every person the reasons why they became part of your life and left you behind. The inner you accepts the fact that things happen for a reason and things are meant to be… will be! The real you questions why things happen for what reasons and does not believe in the blank premise that things are meant to be. In the end, it is the two of you – your Inner you and the Real you – that make up of WHAT you really ARE!

    After all these years, I am happy that my inner me and the real me have not divorced each other. Neither one of them has left me… for I would not be the person that I am now. In fact they have made me a better and stronger person… for being the mediator – sort of an equalizer between the two that made me a little bit a lot look older! My thanks… to both of you!


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