Home Lifestyle The power of touch

The power of touch


TOUCH IS a vital part of human existence.

Touch is a non-verbal language. It is such a powerful means of communication. It is the first language experienced from the day we were born and the first one that developed.

Studies have shown that children or even adults who were nurtured with lovetouch, are most likely to turnout compassionate, thoughtful, receptive, confident and positive. On the other hand, those who are touchdeprived or touched in a harmful manner, tend to feel lonely, insecure, violent and abusive.

We can communicate our love, care and affection in many ways using the unspoken language – touch. Cuddling, hugging, kissing, holding hands, a pat in the back are some of the most common body gestures to show how we feel towards a loved one or someone.

Touch brings people closer together. It reduces stress, heightens nicer behavior, builds up a sense of safetyand boosts happier relationships. Furthermore, it nourishes growth and proper development in children – especially in premature babies, accelerates healing – notably to those with Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, physical abuserelated anxiety and depression.

Touch build champions

Research found that teams in sports, who touch each other more by hugging after scoring, chest bumps, high fives perform better. The same effect goes to students who were gently touched on the back or shoulder in a friendly way by their teacher or schoolmates.

Touch is a silent language, yet delivers the most profound message.

Holding the hand of someone who is in emotional pain or sorrow, without saying anything, has more impact than any comforting words you can utter.

Unfortunately, not all have the freedom to a spontaneous touch, like a simple holding of hands, in public. It is common knowledge that cultural beliefslimit others from doing such.

Though we need to discern an unsafe or malicious touch from a friendly one, let us not deprive ourselves of its nurturing and delightful effect, which is essentialto our life.

Touch Therapy, an ancient and non-invasive healing practice is suggested to those who have touch issues, to heal their trauma. This method is a simple laying of hands gently by the practitioner on the patient’s body, to balance and purify the energy flowing in the mind, body and spirit.

If you want to take your dear one to paradise, give your priceless gift of touch. The touch that could warm the chill in the night and ignite the fire in the heart.



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