The gift of sharing is alive in the judiciary

    The onslaught of the twin typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng which inundated Metro Manila and the other regions in the Philippines have victimized so many Filipinos and destroyed billions of pesos worth of agriculture and other buildings and roads which left some barangays totally unreachable and isolated. These typhoons also rendered homeless countless of our countrymen from all walks of life. However, these misfortunes also brought out heroes from numerous people – old and young alike – who put their own lives at risk to save people. This disaster has brought out the good of almost every one. Thousands of people not only in the Philippines but also from other countries have banded together to share what they have even those with little in life with the victims of these natural calamities.

    The employees of the Judiciary and the DOJ in Angeles City did also their share in giving relief goods to their unfortunate Kababayans. Through the efforts of Judge Ofelia Tuazon Pinto, Presiding Judge of Branch 60, Regional Trial Court, Angeles City, these employees went out of their way to dip deeper into their already depleted pockets, gave some of their savings and gathered some of their extra belongings – like clothes, soap, slippers, canned goods, etc., which they in turn delivered to the DS+WD. On hand to receive these relief goods at the Hall of Justice of Angeles City were Asst. Regional Director Adelina S. Apostol and Ms. Flor Calalang of the DWSD Region III.

    This only shows that the spirit of giving and sharing is very much alive among the employees of the Judiciary and DOJ taking into their mind saying that “It is better to give than to receive”. To those kindhearted who wholeheartedly gave their share, a very Big Thank You!


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