Home Headlines TESDA trains soldiers in yeast bread production

TESDA trains soldiers in yeast bread production


Soldiers get their hands on the dough. Contributed photo.

A group of 30 soldiers and residents completed a four-day community-based training in producing basic yeast bread.

Facilitated by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority-Concepcion Vocational School (TESDA-CVS), attendees included uniformed personnel from the 1st Civil Relations Grou, 31stMechanized Infantry Company and members of the Malayang Magbubukid ng Asyenda Luisita (Malaya).

“Four different kinds of yeast bread such as crispy donuts, cheese bread, pandesal, and ube cheese pandesal were taught to the participants,” TESDA-CVS school administrator Alvin Turalde said.

Items used in the training such as five sacks of flour were provided by the stakeholders of 1st CRG while the other ingredients came from TESDA-CVS.

A total of 340 crispy donuts, 800 cheese bread, 780 pandesal, and 710 ube cheese pandesal were produced by the end of the training which were distributed to indigent families of Malaya and frontline workers in the checkpoints within Tarlac province.
This project is in line with the Philippine Army’s “Kapwa Ko, Sagot Ko” program which aims to establish gestures of sharing blessings that would enliven the bayanihan spirit in the community. Gabriela Liana S. Barela/PIA 3


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