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TESDA trains coop members

Barangay Alion chair Marcialito Balan and officers of TESDA and GNPower Mariveles taste buko pie baked during the training. Photo courtesy of TESDA-Mariveles RTCCL

MARIVELES, Bataan — Thirty members of an organization were trained to bake fresh coconut pie and produce coconut juice and learned the process of business planning, developing, organizing and running a new business, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority here announced Monday.

The participants, members of Alion’s Coconaturalia Cooperative in Barangay Alion even showcased their freshly baked buko pie and bottled fresh buko juice at the covered court of the upland village after the seminar. 

Sierra E. Flores, administrative officer V/extension program coordinator of TESDA Regional Training Center Central Luzon-Mariveles, said the seminar was aimed at generating profit through entrepreneurship training.

“The provision of livelihood programs is to help Bataenos, especially the lowincome groups, improve the state of their lives,” she said. 

The seminar on buko pie-making and buko juice production both took four hours while the entrepreneurship training lasted for eight hours. 

TESDA RTCCL-Mariveles held the trainings in partnership with GNPower Mariveles Energy Center Ltd. Co. led by administrator Neil Santioque and associate vice president for community relations Arcel Madrid and Barangay Alion under chairman Marcialito Balan.  

Madrid said the training was conducted so that GNPower could help motivate the cooperative members to continue the development of their skills and knowledge and go on with the mission and vision in supporting not only their members and families but other people in the community.

Joseph Chavez, manager for community relations of GNPower, said they started the community service during the pandemic crisis in 2020 when most people lost their jobs. He said that their company would like to provide a sustainable program. 

Abigail Jacinto, community relations program supervisor of GNPower, said that since Alion is rich in natural resources such as coconut trees that never get out of season, these trainings are definitely an advantage and have a great potential for successful business venture.

Sierra Flores said GN Power provided starter tool kits such as multifunction built-in oven/cooking range, gas stove, refrigerator, blender, and other tools and supplies and materials for the operative to start with their business.

Concepcion Balan, president of the cooperative, said that most of their members are housewives and senior citizens who want to help their families. She expressed their gratitude to GNPower and TESDA RTCCL-Mariveles for the holding of the trainings.

Barangay chairman Balan confirmed that Alion is rich in coconut trees and can supply buko to Bataan towns and even nearby provinces. He planned to hold a Buko Festival during their village fiesta this coming December 8 and to hold it annually.

He thanked GN Power and TESDA RTCCL-Mariveles for the skills training extended to his constituents to become more productive.


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