Strategic or plain rudeness


    There used to be a phrase about the kind of a man that women supposedly preferred—”maginoo pero medyo bastos.”

    Literally, it meant a man who is gallant or a gentleman but who has a touch of being a rogue and be quite direct and rude when needed. This was considered to be more appealing than acting like a perfectly boring and dry gentleman.

    In a formal speech, President Aquino lambasted Chief Justice Corona in his presence along with the Supreme Court for the basic reason that there have been all these Supreme Court decisions which he basically did not agree with. Or did not or refused to understand within the context of Law and the separation of powers.

    There are strong opinions for and against this act of the president. Relying on his popularity (by inheritance), President Aquino felt justified in the substance and form of his attack against a co-equal branch of government.

    He even chose to deliver it in a forum which was intended to establish cooperation among the implementors of the criminal justice system.

    The contrary opinions range from stating that the message may have been correct but it was the wrong venue and occasion to those who believe that it was plain rude and betrayed a lack of understanding of law and the different roles of the co-equal branches of government.

    Chief Justice Corona behaved like the perfect gentleman throughout the in your face tirade of President Aquino.

    Rene Corona has always been a quiet and softspoken person even in college and in spite of his imposing size.

    Do not be misled. The guy will fight for he believes in. I remember how he was ready to defend the presidency and Malacañan during all those attempted coups.

    President Aquino has so much political capital and goodwill. This is well and good and should be utilized to leading and managing the country efficiently and effectively.

    “Walang personalan, kayo ang boss, walang wangwang, daan matuwid” – these are all great tag lines. “Pero Mr. President, bumenta na yan, gasgas na.”

    It is way past time to focus on more important and concrete issues. There are so many. More than 500 days have passed.  It is the economy! You must have learned something from former President Gloria’s class.

    “Walang personalan?” The manner in which your administration has treated former president Gloria is equal to outright bullying or a more precise vernacular word, “pinagiinitan. “

    A lot of the issues are so petty and hair-splitting that it is at times ridiculously funny. It is obvious even to the ordinary man in the street.

    This is without comment on the substance and merits. Of course, some feel it is justified while others do not.

    “Pinaginitan pa rin.” By the way, why do you not focus on the Marcoses? Use all that goodwill and political capital that your parents as real heroes of this country have bequeathed you before you dissipate it away.

    The rudeness, whether intended or not, justified or not, strategic or not, remains to be “bastos.” I like our local words better.

    They are so accurate and fully expressive. It must be remembered that in the strategic playing field when one displays rudeness, he opens the door to being the subject of rudeness. Ganyan sa boxing, basketball at iba pa.

    “Pagnambalya ka, babalyahin ka rin. Pagbastos ka, humanda ka, babastosin ka rin.”

    Strategic or plain rudeness. President Cory was never rude. I shudder even just to connect the word to her. She was a genuine lady and leader.   


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