Sta.Rita all set for 10th Suman-Duman Festival


    Mayor Yolly Pineda leads in making the longest suman in Sta. Rita, Pampanga last year.

    Photo by Ric Gonzales

    CITY OF SAN FERNANDO – There are emerging year-end festivals in Pampanga, one of which is focused on a rare rice breed costing P1,200 per kilo.

    Mayor Yolando Pineda of Sta. Rita is expected to lead the 10th Duman Festival on December 3. It is held every first Saturday of December.

    Pineda, daughter-in-law of Pampanga Gov. Lilia Pineda, “re-packaged” the Duman Festival by incorporating it with the Suman Festival for the last three years. It is held shortly after the first of the nine “Simbang Gabi” Masses on December 16.

    Duman comes from a rare breed of rice grains. It is planted during the wet season and harvested in November.

    It’s quite hard and difficult to prepare Duman that’s why it’s expensive compared to other rice varieties, said residents.

    “The making of duman and suman reminds us of the importance of being patient and we must work long hours if we want to achieve good things in life,” said Pineda in the dialect.

    Suman is rolled rice usually wrapped in banana leaves. Duman is also included as ingredients in some recipes of suman. 

    May Gosioco, member of the 2011 Duman-Suman committee, disclosed that the Duman fest was first celebrated in the remote village of Sta. Monica.

    She said it was a small festival then but it drew much attention year after year until they decided to transfer it to a bigger venue in the town’s downtown area.

    In between the two festivals, various activities such as exhibits and suman-making contests are done.

    The performances of renowned musical group ArtiStaRita led by Andy Alviz have been the highlight of the festival.

    Other well-known Capampangan delicacies will be sold in both festivals.

    Roy Imperial, consultant-adviser of Gov. Pineda, grew up in Sta. Rita seeing his grandparents prepare Duman. 

    Imperial said there are at least two kinds of Duman meals. The first is mixed with “gatas damulang” (Carabao’s milk). The other is prepared like the crispy cereals eaten at breakfast.

    Monsignor Eugene Reyes, parish priest of Sta. Rita, said: “Duman Festival is a way of thanking God for the blessings of Sta. Rita. We are proud of the almost unique and distinct delicacy (Duman) that our town is famous for.”

    Reyes said duman “really cosst P1,200 per kilo.” He added that the price could be higher or lower depending on the quality of the duman.


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