Home Headlines SSS steps up digitalization drive, expands online services

SSS steps up digitalization drive, expands online services


The Social Security System (SSS) adds more services to its online services portfolio as it steps up efforts to digitalize member and employer transactions.

SSS President and CEO Aurora C. Ignacio said the initiative aims to address the need to bring SSS services within reach of its members, pensioners, covered employers, and the public in view of social distancing and health requirements imposed by the government to stop the spread of the COVID-19.

“For the past years, we have been gradually shifting our stakeholders’ way of transacting with us from face-to-face to online. The pandemic motivated us further to fast track our digital transformation initiatives, not only to provide our stakeholders with faster, more convenient, and more efficient means of transacting with us but also to ensure their safety,” Ignacio said.

More online services

Services in the My.SSS Portal now includes online applications for Calamity Loan, Pension Loan, Retirement Benefit (subject to qualifying conditions for online filing), Unemployment Benefit, and Funeral Claim; submission of Requests for Member Data Change for simple corrections for members; and submission of Sickness Benefit Reimbursement Application for employers.

The SSS has also introduced both members and employers to the Real-Time Processing of Loans Payment Reference Number (RTPL-PRN) facility, Benefit Re-disbursement Module, and improved Disbursement Account Enrollment Module (DAEM) with uploading of proof of account, previously known as the Bank Enrollment Module.

Moreover, the SSS enhanced the online SS Number Application facility and has provided members with access to the Remittance Transfer Company/Cash Payout Outlet (RTC/CPO) Reference Number Inquiry.

Other online services

Aside from the new and improved online services, members also have access to other virtual services, including viewing their contribution and loan records; and inquiring on the status of their benefit claims and eligibility for benefit programs, among others. These may be accessed using the My.SSS Portal as well as the SSS Mobile App, Text-SSS, and Self-Service Express Terminals.

Members can also view their membership information, list of PRN payments, and addresses of SSS branches; file for Salary Loans; submit Maternity Notifications (for self-employed, voluntary, and Overseas Filipino Worker members); generate PRNs for contributions; and update their contact information through the My.SSS Portal and SSS Mobile App.

By using the My.SSS Portal, members can also make an appointment with an SSS branch, send a request for SSS records, enroll in the Personal Equity and Savings Option (PESO) Fund or Flexi-fund, use a simulated retirement calculator, and view details of their Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card or SSS ID, as well as change their account password. With the SSS Mobile App, they can also pay contributions using PayMaya and Bank of the Philippine Islands.

Employers, on the other hand, may view their contribution and loan records, and status of payments and benefit reimbursement claims; and update their contact information through the My.SSS Portal and SSS Mobile App.

They may also view their SSS information; submit Employment Reports (R-1A), Loan Collection Lists (ML2), Contribution Collection Lists (R3), sickness notifications, maternity notifications; generate PRN; and certify the loans or claims of their employees through the My.SSS Portal.

Information drive on online services

Since last year, the SSS is building up its information cache on how to use its online services through webinars and other social media content.

Webinar registration links and materials are posted on the state fund’s official and verified Facebook Page (@SSSPh or Philippine Social Security System). Advisories are also posted on Instagram (mysssph),” Twitter (PHLSSS), and YouTube (Philippine Social Security System).

For more in-depth discussions on these services, companies and organizations may request SSS to conduct free online seminars for employees and members.

Information on SSS online services is also broadcasted in selected AM and FM radio stations and published in broadsheet and regional newspapers.

“With the continuous digitalization of SSS processes, there is a need for our stakeholders to familiarize themselves on how to use our online facilities. We encourage them to join our webinars and monitor our posts on social media,” Ignacio said.

For more information, join the SSS Viber Community or look for “MYSSSPH Updates.”


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