Home Headlines SSS implements mandatory use of PRN for loan payments starting July 1

SSS implements mandatory use of PRN for loan payments starting July 1


The Social Security System (SSS) reminds its members and covered employers that the mandatory use of Payment Reference Number (PRN) for Salary, Calamity, Emergency, and Restructured loan payment transactions starts today, July 1, 2021, covering the billing month of June 2021.

SSS President and CEO Aurora C. Ignacio said the use of PRNs for loans was introduced in November 2020 as part of the state pension fund’s Real-Time Processing of Loans (RTPL) Program. It facilitates the immediate and correct posting of loan payments to their matching loan accounts.

“Initially, we planned to implement the mandatory use of PRN for loans on February 1, 2021. However, we decided to move this to July 1 to give our members and covered employers more time to register in the My.SSS portal. It also allows them to update their email addresses and mobile numbers through their My.SSS account for them to receive their PRN for loans notification on time,” she added.

Non-PRN loan payments will no longer be accepted beyond June 30, 2021, including loan payments made through Electronic Data Interchange (EDINet) facility.

The PRN for loans is a system-generated number corresponding to a loan billing statement of an individual member (self-employed, voluntary, or Overseas Filipino Worker members) or employer.

Every first to the sixth day of the month, the SSS generates loan billing statements and notices with PRNs and sends them to the registered email addresses and mobile numbers of individual members and employers.

Aside from sending the statements and notices through email and SMS, these are also available starting every seventh day of the month in the PRN-Loans tab of the My.SSS portal in the SSS website (www.sss.gov.ph).

Should individual members need to modify the amount to be paid in their loan billing statement, they may do so by using their My.SSS account or at SSS branches.

Employers, on the other hand, can make changes only through their My.SSS account, where they must also submit an electronic-Loan Collection List (e-LCL). They may download the e-LCL from their My.SSS accounts for offline editing and afterward upload/submit the updated e-LCL also through their My.SSS. Once the updated e-LCL is uploaded, they can proceed to pay their employee’s loans using PRN.

The printout or screenshot of the loan billing statement with PRN and barcode or SMS of loans PRN received from the SSS must be presented upon payment.

Short-term loan payments with PRN will only be accepted through SSS branches with Automated Tellering Systems (ATS) or RTPL-compliant collecting partners.

Employers may course their payments through the BancNet eGov facility using the following banks:

  • Asia United Bank,
  • Bank of Commerce,
  • China Bank Corporation,
  • CTBC Bank,
  • EastWest Bank
  • Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company,
  • MUFG Bank,
  • Philippine Bank of Communication,
  • Philippine National Bank,
  • Philippine Trust Company,
  • Philippine Veterans Bank,
  • Robinsons Bank,
  • Standard Chartered Bank, and
  • United Coconut Planters Bank.

    Meanwhile, employers and individual members can make short-term loan payments through the following:

  • Bayad Center,
  • CashPinas,
  • Partner Rural Bank,
  • Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation,
  • Rural Bank of Lanuza Inc.,
  • Security Bank Corporation,
  • SM Mart Inc. and
  • Union Bank of the Philippines.

    Individual members abroad may also course their payments through the foreign branches of the Philippine National Bank, Ventaja International Corporation, and i-Remit, Inc.

    SSS also announces that a facility to generate PRN for individual members is now available through the PRN-Loans module in their My.SSS account. It will serve as an alternative facility for recently separated employment members whose loan billing is still included in their employer’s PRN but would like to continue paying their loans as individual members.

    Educational Assistance Loans (EALs), however, are not yet included in the PRN billing system. Members with EALs will still have to course payments through any SSS branch with ATS using the Payment Slip for Short-term Member Loans form.

    Further information about the RTPL-PRN is posted on the SSS’ Facebook page at https://bit.ly/PRNEmployers and https://bit.ly/PRNIndividualMembers.


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