Spare media


    THE PROSECUTION menu reads, in part:

    We intend to present the following witnesses:

    1.     Raissa Robles, who will testify among others on the close personal relationship between Corona and GMA and other allegations contained in the Verified Complaint, and other pleadings filed by complainants, and other matters relevant to the instant case.

    2.     Criselda Yabes, who will testify among others on the close personal relationship between Corona and GMA and other allegations contained in the Verified Complaint, and other pleadings filed by complainants, and other matters relevant to the instant case.

    3.     Marites Vitug, who will testify among others on the close personal relationship between Corona and GMA, the research she has on the Supreme Court inner processes and other allegations contained in the Verified Complaint, and other pleadings filed by complainants, and other matters relevant to the instant case…

    8.     Ina Reformina and a Mediaman/Journalist – who will testify, among others:

    (1) That the TRO allowing GMA to leave the country was issued before 6 p.m. on 15 November 2011;

    (2) That service of the TRO to the Department of Justice was attempted to be made before 6 p.m. on 15 November 2011;

    (3) That Compliance with TRO requirements, such as the posting of the bond, among others, was made after 6 p.m. on 15 November 2011;

    (4) Statements made by the Public Information Office of the Supreme Court; 

    (5) On the allegations contained in the Verified Complaint, and other pleadings filed by complainants, and other matters relevant to the instant case…

    Mediamen of the Philippines, unite: Damn the prosecution in the Corona impeachment trial!

    For media persons to “testify among others on the close personal relationship between Corona and GMA and other allegations contained in the Verified Complaint, and other pleadings filed by complainants, and other matters relevant to the instant case” is to render subjective judgment that totally subjugate journalistic objectivity.

    And thus destroy everything that media stand for, aye, demolish all that media live for.  

    Media could only report, as indeed they do, the public acts of public figures. To ask them to delve into personal relationships even among public figures is to draw them into a realm outside their calling.

    Right is defense spokesperson Atty. Karen Jimeno in saying that media have three basic roles, which is to inform, educate and entertain, “even if some have gone further, they have a unique role.”

    And that does not include in testifying on the personal relationship between Corona and the former President. 

    More telling are the words of lawyer Ted Te in his Facebook account: “… calling media practitioners to testify on work product is indicative of a short cut approach to finding the truth; much of the work that media has done in reporting these matters is already part of the public consciousness and may already be considered subject of the collective, institutional and even personal knowledge of the Senate, acting as jury; there is really no need to call media practitioners to testify.”

    Similarly, Jimeno says: “The prosecution has pierced the veil of confidentiality with the (income tax returns), let us not drag the media and place it on the witness stand. The media is not on trial here. Prove your case by doing your work in research and litigation.”

    The prosecution’s resorting to media – among 100 proffered witnesses – to testify is indicative of some weakness in their case against Corona.

    No more than a fishing expedition – somehow, someway, somebody among the many could bite and provide some damning testimony.

    No less than a shotgun blast – somehow, someway, some pellets could just hit the mark.
    Whatever, spare media.   


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