Home Headlines SMC delivers food assistance for 7ID frontliners

SMC delivers food assistance for 7ID frontliners


SMC and 7ID officers after the donation turn-over. Contributed photo.

FORT RAMON MAGSAYSAY, Palayan City – The San Miguel Corp
. donated 1,080 packs of dressed chicken to the 7th Infantry “Kaugnay” Division its headquarters here on May 21.

Brig. General Manuel S. Sequitin, assistant division commander of 7ID, and Col. Eugene M. Mata, the 7ID chief of staff, officially received the donation delivered by SMC officials, according to the division public affairs office.

Lt. Col. Juvenal Mark T. Tayamen, OIC G7, and Lt. Colonel Ronnel B. Dela Cruz, of the office of the general 4, also attended the turn-over of donations.

The dressed chickens will be given to all frontliners of 7ID, including the 702nd and 703rd Infantry Brigades.

Grateful for the generosity of SMC, Sequitin said: Your generosity creates in us a grateful heart, inspiring us to continue serving the Filipino people with fervor. You can be assured that we will not tire of doing our duties amidst the Covid-19 crisis, until we will all heal as one.”

The Army has been overwhelmed with the many blessings coming from different sectors, the military official said.


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