Home Headlines Smartphone to call, hold video conferences with dead being developed

Smartphone to call, hold video conferences with dead being developed


(Photo grabbed from Epoch Times)

ANGELES CITY – Halloween or not, Ouija boards and spirit mediums now face extinction amid prospects of a new technology dubbed SoulPhone.

It’s a new technology launched in 2014 and continues to be developed to eventually enable people to get in touch with the dead via, yes, smart phone.

Terrifyingly or not, further objective is video-to-video calls with the departed.

The SoulPhone program is being developed by Dr. Gary Schwartz and a team of colleagues affiliated with the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona, with funds being provided by “a visionary consortium of anonymous donors.”

They assert the reality of the afterlife and are convinced worldly technology can link up with it.

Supporters of the project have established the SoulPhone Foundation, Inc. to provide funding for it.

The website soulproof.com noted that the purpose of the SoulPhone program “is to develop working prototypes of accurate technologies for communicating with ‘deceased’ persons. Some of them want to continue relationships and help us advance personal and planetary peace and wellness.”

It noted that the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona is actually progressing toward a working prototype of what is called the SoulPhone” and that “they have already demonstrated that detection of energy and information and even communication with spirit is already possible in an optimally controlled environment (to minimize ‘noise’ and other spurious signals.”

The SoulPhone includes four major categories of technologies and devices including the SoulSwitch described as “a binary switch designed to allow ‘a spirit’ to communicate with humans by signaling Yes – No answers.”


The second is called SoulKeyboard which “uses a combination of SoulSwitches arranged in the format of a keyboard. Just as with a standard keyboard, each key represents a letter, number or special character and has a corresponding binary switch. When a switch is activated by a non-earthly being, it is equivalent to a key being pressed by a human operator. Results of the key activation are displayed on a screen,” the website explained.

The third is SoulVoice which is “envisioned to allow humans to hear those who have transitioned from earth.”

The last is SoulVideo which “will hopefully enable humans to see visual images of those who have crossed over.”

SoulPhone Foundation said “these devices are in various stages of research and development with the ultimate goal of implementing the Soul- Phone working prototypes.

It said that work on the SoulSwitch Phase 1 started in 2014 and completed last year. “This phase is based on a pulsed light/split beam technology that has produced statistically significant results. The ‘proof of concept’ completion of this phase represents a major step toward practical communication with those no longer living on earth,” it said.

The foundation explained that the next phase “is designed to further increase the precision and reliability of ‘spirit’ communications by identifying the ‘most appropriate’ frequency of light for optimal contact.”

“With a working prototype of the SoulSwitch, a highly reliable Yes – No response can be used in a ‘Twenty Questions’ scenario. With a judicious choice of questions, we should be able to prove that we are communicating with loved ones or luminaries who have transitioned into the field of all possibilities,” the foundation said.

The program also aims to develop a SoulKeyboard prototype which “will focus on a miniaturized and cost-effective implementation of the keyboard, appropriate computer software and display screen interface.”

Another device called SoulVoice is also being developed to “enable voice detection of those who have crossed over. The ultimate goal is to develop a working prototype to hear those who have graduated from earth.”

The development of the SoulVideo would “detect and display moving images of ‘spirit’ on a TV or computer screen,” the foundation said.

“The preliminary objective of Phase 1 is to display an image, even if it is suboptimal or blurry. Further phases will refine the equipment and processing of the video signal to enhance the images. It is anticipated that the initial 2-D SoulVideo system can be further developed into 3-D,” the foundation also said.


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