Home Headlines SM Telabastagan greets “Hello, Neighbor!” HOME BUDDIES PLANT EXHIBIT

SM Telabastagan greets “Hello, Neighbor!” HOME BUDDIES PLANT EXHIBIT


Bringing to life any space with various ornamental plants at the Home Buddies Plant Exhibit at SM City Telabastagan. Part of the “Hello, Neighbor!” campaign in making shoppers feel at home in a place that is safe, convenient and right-next-door mall given its proximity to various residential areas. The Home Buddies plant exhibit showcases local gardening enthusiasts’ passion for sprucing up the home with greens. So channel your inner plantitos/plantitas to a humble and tranquil-vibe at HOME BUDDIES PLANT EXHIBIT

The plant exhibit is happening at SM City Telabastagan The Event Center every Friday to Sunday for the month of September featuring plant displays from Cactus and Succulents Pampanga.


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