SM City Olongapo conducts Fire Safety Evacuation Drill


    The Olongapo Bureau of Fire Protection(BFP), City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (DRRMO), Phil. National Police(PNP), Phil. Red Cross (PRC) and Office of Traffic Management and Public Safety (OTMPS) joined SM City Olongapo in its annual Fire Evacuation Drill that ushered in the celebration of Fire Prevention Month by virtue of Presidential Decree no.115-A.

    SM City Olongapo in coordination with BFP and Emergency Response Teams has conducted the Fire Safety and Prevention Seminar and Fire Evacuation Drill on March 20-21, 2013 respectively in order to increase awareness of fire safety and reduce the number of potential fire incidents in the mall .

    It can be recalled that SM Olongapo made its debut of Fire Prevention Drill last year and will continue to do it every year just as other SM malls all over the Philippines been doing to better prepare and inform employees and tenants of what to do when fire strikes.

    “It is important to check the level of preparedness of the building where scores of customers come everyday and thousands of employees worked here, as well as train the tenants, affiliates and agency personnel on how to act during fire incidents,” said Engr. Junias Eusebio, asst. mall manager of SM Olongapo.

    Prior to the drill, the BFP checked with building administrators the different fire safety equipment, fire exit doors, fire hydrants location and evacuation route station, as well as the evacuation area, in charge of posting, alarm and communications, first aiders and rescuers from among the occupants of the building and also conducted fire safety and prevention seminar.

    SM Olongapo’s Fire drill received a high rating from BFP and lauded the efforts of the management for complying with fire safety standards and adopting fire safety measures such as the installation of fire protection equipment and facilities.

    More than 200 participated in the fire drill which was supervised by FO3 Marlon Calderon of BFP, PSI Michael Chavez of PNP, Irvin Paras and Glenly Monje of DRRMO and representatives from PRC.


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