Silvio sacked

    ANGELES CITY – Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) Director Leon Nilo de la Cruz has appointed a new chief for this city’s CIDG here amid reports of frame-ups, blackmail, and extortion victimizing mostly foreign investors in local tourism-related investments.

    De la Cruz said Chief Inspector Ednor Megarejo, who used to be CIDG chief in Aurora province, replaced Chief Inspector Randy Glenn Silvio who was assigned to the CIDG in Camp Olivas.

    In a telephone interview, De la Cruz said he would also replace the other CIDG policemen who had worked under Silvio.

    De la Cruz said he has ordered the investigation of reports implicating Silvio and his men in allegedly framing up bar owners here, and then later blackmailing and extorting from them.

    Silvio could not be reached for comment as he did not report to work at Camp Olivas yesterday.

    This city’s Mayor Edgardo  Pamintuan cited reports that among the recent victims were the managers of a bar called Ponytail who were asked by the CIDG men to pay them P600,000 in exchange for the filing of charges of employing minors.

    Pamintuan cited one case wherein CIDG men raided one establishment a day after one of the cops’ so-called asset persuaded the bar manager to employ a girl who turned out to be under 18 years of age.

    During the raid, the cops cited the employment of the under-aged girl as basis for criminal charges but offered not to file any charge in exchange for a considerable amount of cash.

    Pampanga 1st district Rep. Carmelo Lazatin, in a telephone interview, said he had heard about extortion activities of CIDG men in this city for over a year now.

    He said that one of the victims included a Korean friend who was allegedly fleeced by the CIDG men of his Rolex watch, P300,000 watch and a complete golf set.

    “I urged the victims to file a formal complaint, but despite my assurance that I would back them up, their fear for their safety prompted them to leave the country instead,” Lazatin said, as he lauded the move to overhaul the entire CIDG here.

    Lazatin said the activities of the local CIDG had already scared off some foreign investors.
    Pamintuan met last week with city police chief Senior Supt. Danny Bautista, along with the operators of several local tourism establishments who sought their help against the CIDG cops.

    The mayor cited the case of another business establishment from whom the cops allegedly demanded recently P800,000 amid trumped up charges of exhibiting lewd shows.

    The demand was lessened to P600,000. The establishment paid an initial P550,000 with the balance of P150,000 to be paid later.

    De la Cruz said he has ordered a probe of these allegations, including reports that over the past several months, the erring CIDG cops had been receiving P200,000 each of “grease money” from some tourism-oriented establishments operating in this city.

    Silvio earlier denied the allegations and that the raids conducted by his men were based on “walk-in complaints” including one from a relative of an under-aged girl employed in bars.

    But Pamintuan said there are allegations that the minors were merely used as baits for extortion schemes and that in some cases, the cops were allegedly in cahoots with even the mother or any other relative of the minor.


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