Home Headlines Senators get a glimpse of nearly finished New Clark City sports complex

Senators get a glimpse of nearly finished New Clark City sports complex


(Officials from the Bases Conversion and Development Authority and infrastructure developer MTD Philippines pose for a photo with Senators Panfilo Lacson and Gregorio Honasan II at the Athletic Stadium in New Clark City.)

Members of the Senate got a glimpse of the National Government Administrative Center (NGAC) in New Clark City as the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) showcased the latest developments on the facilities with the sports complex now in near completion.

Led by BCDA President and CEO Vince Dizon, visiting Senator Gregorio Honasan II and Senator Panfilo Lacson toured the 20,000-seater Athletics Stadium, the 2,000-seater Aquatics Center and the 1.4-kilometer Riverpark.

(BCDA President and CEO Vince Dizon shows design renders for the New Clark City project to Senators Panfilo Lacson and Gregorio Honasan II.)

“Full government support is key in any world-class development and we’re fortunate that a respected institution such as the Senate got to see the huge progress we made here in New Clark City,” says BCDA President and CEO Vivencio Dizon. “These lawmakers play a big role in inspiring the creation of more ambitious projects that provide comfort and growth to our people.”

The NGAC, which is part of President Rodrigo Duterte’s plan to decongest Metro Manila, is situated in New Clark City, the country’s first and only smart and green city to rise within the Clark Special Economic Zone, and BCDA’s most ambitious project to date in partnership with infrastructure developer MTD Philippines.

Senator Lacson lauded the progress of New Clark City, Phase 1A of which is already more than 80 percent complete. “This is an example of hard work and efficiency paying off,” he said, “a dream becoming a reality because the people assigned here are performance-oriented.”

(Senators Panfilo Lacson and Gregorio Honasan II visit the world-class Athletic Stadium in New Clark City. The 20-000 seater stadium will be used during the Philippines' hosting of the South East Asian Games this year.)

“This is a classic example of what happens if there is a political will,” said Senator Honasan as he encouraged more sustainable developments.

The 200-hectare mixed-used government center, meant to decentralize state offices from the capital, will primarily host offices of various government agencies.

Phase 1A of the NGAC development also involves the construction of sports facilities that include the Athletics Stadium, Aquatics Center, and Athlete’s Village. These world-class facilities will be used for the Philippines’ hosting of the South East Asian Games this year.

Nearly 10,000 athletes from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam are expected to gather at Clark from November 30 to December 10 for the SEA Games.


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