Real estate bizman Jeffrey Dizon holds notice of P3-million reward. Photo by Ashley Manabat
ANGELES CITY – A P3–million reward is now being offered by a businessman from a prominent family here to anyone who can provide the identity and information leading to the arrest of the sniper in an apparent attempt on his life.
Businessman Jeffrey S. Dizon said the offer is open to anyone but will only be given if they can present the suspect or suspects alive or point to the mastermind that will lead to his or her arrest.
Dizon, the eldest son of the late Tomas D. Dizon and one of the heirs of vast estates in here and in the rest of Pampanga estimated to be worth billions of pesos, called a press conference on Saturday afternoon at a restaurant at nearby Clark Freeport to make the announcement.

Dizon said last February 29 at around 6:30 p.m., he was at home having a meeting with two assistants and his daughter when he received a phone call which required him to go out of the house because of the weak signal in his cellphone. As he walked around two or three steps outside the main door of his house looking for a strong signal, he suddenly heard a single gunfire “and the sound appears to come from the direction of the house where my two siblings and mother live.”
Dizon said apparently an unknown gunman shot him but missed and instead, hit the concrete wall near where he was standing.

Later, he said, it was determined by the police investigation that the shot came from across the street and he was clearly the target. But the gunman missed because Dizon was moving around at the time of the shooting.
He said he also discovered three other bullet marks on the walls that came from a sniper rifle.
Angeles City Police Station 3 led by PEMS Edgar Avillon together with Lt. Canlas and Staff Sergeant Arvie Mateo inspected the crime scene on March 3 and determined that four marks on the wall were made by gunshots.
Dizon said the policemen verbally concluded that the shots came from a caliber 5.56 rifle and the trajectory came from an elevated area which appear to come from the direction of the house where his siblings – City of San Fernando councilor Celestino Dizon and Leah Dizon-Angeles who is married to Atty. Martin Angeles, owner of the AUF Medical Center – live with their mother.
“I do not know who is trying to kill me and I don’t have any enemies,” Dizon stressed.
“Right now, the only possible dispute I have concerns a business matter involving the family corporation,” he said. “To be clear, I cannot believe that any of my siblings are involved in any plot to have me exterminated.”
Dizon clarified that he has no suspects at the moment and he is not accusing anyone and is merely narrating the facts.
After the press conference in Clark, Dizon invited the media to have an ocular inspection of his house in Barangay Pandan here where he showed that not just anybody can enter the 15-hectare Dizon compound.

During the ocular inspection, Dizon was leading the media to the house of his siblings and mother where he pointed to a possible sniper’s nest but he was not allowed inside the compound. The guard on duty turned his back when he tried to call him out to have the gates opened.
“You see, even me a Dizon and part owner of this property cannot even enter,” he lamented.
“I am appealing to my countrymen and the general public, particularly to my fellow Kapampangans to please pray for me and my family because our lives are in danger,” he said.
All photos by Ashley Manabat