Schools urged to set registration day for youth

    ANGELES CITY – Two city councilors here recently passed a resolution urging officials in the academe to allot an exclusive date for their respective students to allow them to register at the Commission on Elections (Comelec) in time for the May 2010 polls.

    Councilors Jesus Sangil and Ruben Maniago filed the resolution, which covers both private and public high schools, colleges, and universities, saying the youth aged 18 years old and above must be able to exercise their constitutional right to select their future local and national leaders.”

    “The voice of the youth plays an important role in the selection process of their future leaders. With a specific registration date, this assures that the youth could freely elect their own choice of candidates whom they feel are qualified for their respective government posts,” Sangil said.

    Maniago, meanwhile, said “the resolution is timely, adding that it could also serve as a wakeup call for all students who are eligible to vote that their voices must be counted during election day.”

    But the two councilors, who are members of the minority bloc of the Angeles City Council, have also appealed to the voting public that even without the resolution they must register at the Comelec and cast their votes during the May 2010 elections.


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