FORT RAMON MAGSAYSAY, Palayan City – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has opened a photo journalism contest for the on-going joint Filipino-American military exercises, the 7th Infantry Division announced Wednesday.
The contest which is open to both military and news photographers is aimed at showcasing the skills and talents of the lensmen, according to an announcement from the office of Major Gen. Ralph Villanueva, 7ID commander.
The contest is being launched in cooperation with the United States Armed Forces and the Lente Image Philippines with the theme “Shoulder to Shoulder, RP-US Balikatan ’09”.
“This photo contest open to all press and military photographers aims to promote and disseminate to the public through photos the significance of oneness and cooperativeness of the two allied forces; the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the United States Armed Forces in jointly training our security forces and conducting humanitarian and relief missions,’ said Major Charlemaigne Batayola, 7ID spokesman.
The categories, Batayola said, are news, human interest, Balikatan history and special award.
He explained that the entries for news and human-interest categories should have been taken during the 2009 Balikatan Exercise only while entries for Balikatan History category should have been taken from the start of Balikatan exercises up to year 2008 only.
Contestants may submit a maximum of 10 entries per category.
The criteria for judging are the following: 50% for technical merit; 40% for Artistic Merit and 10% for over-all impact.
The news, human interest and Balikatan histrory categories have P20,000 plus a plaque for the first prize; second place – P15,000 plus a plaque and P10,000 plus a plaque for the third prize.
Special awards carry P5,000 each plus plaque while Photo of the Year will receive P50,000 plus plaque, it was learned.
Batayola said that interested photographers may submit their entries with complete name and address and organization at the Public Affairs Office of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.
“The 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army is highly supportive of this Balikatan Photo Contest ’09. This photo contest is one way of expressing the deepened relationship between our respective armed forces. Through the photographer’s excellent skills in photographing our servicemen, the true meaning of the word “Balikatan” is depicted. Both our armed forces worked shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand and helping each other in answering the call to serve humanity” Villanueva said.
The contest which is open to both military and news photographers is aimed at showcasing the skills and talents of the lensmen, according to an announcement from the office of Major Gen. Ralph Villanueva, 7ID commander.
The contest is being launched in cooperation with the United States Armed Forces and the Lente Image Philippines with the theme “Shoulder to Shoulder, RP-US Balikatan ’09”.
“This photo contest open to all press and military photographers aims to promote and disseminate to the public through photos the significance of oneness and cooperativeness of the two allied forces; the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the United States Armed Forces in jointly training our security forces and conducting humanitarian and relief missions,’ said Major Charlemaigne Batayola, 7ID spokesman.
The categories, Batayola said, are news, human interest, Balikatan history and special award.
He explained that the entries for news and human-interest categories should have been taken during the 2009 Balikatan Exercise only while entries for Balikatan History category should have been taken from the start of Balikatan exercises up to year 2008 only.
Contestants may submit a maximum of 10 entries per category.
The criteria for judging are the following: 50% for technical merit; 40% for Artistic Merit and 10% for over-all impact.
The news, human interest and Balikatan histrory categories have P20,000 plus a plaque for the first prize; second place – P15,000 plus a plaque and P10,000 plus a plaque for the third prize.
Special awards carry P5,000 each plus plaque while Photo of the Year will receive P50,000 plus plaque, it was learned.
Batayola said that interested photographers may submit their entries with complete name and address and organization at the Public Affairs Office of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.
“The 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army is highly supportive of this Balikatan Photo Contest ’09. This photo contest is one way of expressing the deepened relationship between our respective armed forces. Through the photographer’s excellent skills in photographing our servicemen, the true meaning of the word “Balikatan” is depicted. Both our armed forces worked shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand and helping each other in answering the call to serve humanity” Villanueva said.