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Roughed draft


“ABSOLUTELY! YES, this particular draft.”

Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez could not have given more emphasis to his stand to vote against federalism in response to the question of Sen. Franklin Drilon during a hearing on the 2019 national budget.

Disclosed Dominguez: “I sat with the members of the [Consultative Committee] and you know my first question was: How do they see that the national debt will be paid? [how] the army, military, foreign affairs, central bank will be paid? And they said, ‘Oh no, don’t worry about that. The split will be after those expenses.’ But I said, it’s not in the draft.”

“I had a long discussion with them and quite frankly, I was more confused than when I started,” lamented Dominguez.

We have the finance secretary himself finding the draft federal charter nebulous.

We have been regaled earlier with the crass inanity of “Ipepe, ipepe. Ipede, ipede. Pedepede, Pederalismo!” of Mocha Uson, herself an assistant secretary in the Presidential Communications Operations Office.

Within days, from the sublime to the paralytic, so to speak, has federalism been laid out before the public.

Need we still more convincing to junk it?


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