Home Opinion Rhyming prophecies over the centuries

Rhyming prophecies over the centuries


THE POINT here is not to inspire panic. The fact is that history has ample record of prophecies made mostly by pious people over the centuries. Because the prophecies seem to rhyme and complement prophecies being conveyed by the Blessed Virgin Mary in our days, they are worth recalling.

If in the process of reviewing them we shudder in fear, it must be salutary fear, for they come from Heaven. Remember the children of Fatima screamed in terror when the Blessed Mother showed them hell.

Here, thus, as some prophecies gathered from the centuries.

“Before the comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scourged with want and famine. The comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease” (St. Hildegard, Hildegard, 1098-1179).

“The earth shall be deluged with the blood of its inhabitants. Her children, armed with iron, shall perish by the sword. Her innumerable calamities, says the Lord, shall not appease my wrath. My right hand shall be lifted up against the people; the power that will oppress them shall be my instrument of indignation against them, and against other nations” (Father Jerome Votin, d. 1420).

“The Church will be punished because the majority of her members, high and low, will become so perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper until she will at last seem to be extinguished, and the succession of Peter and the other Apostles to have expired. But, after this, she will be victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters” (St. Nicholas of Flue, 1417-1487).

“The great chastisement will come when carriages go without horses and many accidents fill the world with woe. It will come when thoughts are flying round the earth in the twinkling of all eye, when long tunnels are made for horseless machines, when man can fly in the air and ride under the sea, when ships are wholly made of metal, when fire and water great marvels do, when even the poor can read books, and when many taxes are levied for war” (Mother Shipton, sixteenth century).

“Many cities and villages shall be in ruins, with the deaths of an innumerable quantity of bad and good men” (St. Vincent de Paul, 1580- 1660).

“An unusual chastisement of the human race will take place towards the end of the world” (Venerable Mary of Agreda, d. 1665).

“God will punish the world when men have devised marvelous inventions that will lead them to forgetting God. They will have horseless carriages, and they will fl y like the birds” (Blessed Rembordt, eighteenth century).

“Before the great combat the wicked shall be masters. They will perpetrate all the evils in their power, but not so much as they desire, because they shall not have the time. Good and faithful Catholics, less in number, shall be on the point of being annihilated, but a stroke from heaven shall save them” (Sister Marianne, d. 1804).

“Religious shall be persecuted, priests shall be massacred, the churches shall be closed, but only for a short time; the Holy Father shall be obliged to abandon Rome” (Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, d. 1837).

“All over Europe there will rage terrible civil wars. God has long been patient with the corruption of morals… He will destroy half of mankind. The poor will be rich and rich poor” (Brother Louis Rocco, d. 1840).

“Before the triumph of the Church comes, God will first take vengeance on the wicked, specially the godless. It will be a new judgment; the like has never been seen before, and it will be universal. It will be so terrible that those who outlive it will imagine that they are the only ones spared” (Father Bernard Maria Clausi, O.F.M., d. 1849).

“I see the Lord as He will be scourging the world, and chastising it in a fearful manner so that few men and women will remain. The monks will have to leave their monasteries, and the nuns will be driven from their convents, especially in Italy …. The Holy Church will be persecuted… Unless people obtain par don through their prayers, the time will come when they will see the sword and death, and Rome will be without a shepherd” (Abbess Maria Steiner, d. 1862).

“Many priests have lost their fervor for the honor of God and the salvation of souls. Their hearts hang too much on the phantoms of this life. God will, by chastisements, cure them thereof and so thereby change them. In many religious houses the spirit of poverty and simplicity is forgotten” (Mother Alphonse Eppinger, d. 1867).

“All states will be shaken by war and civil conflict. During a darkness lasting three days the people given to evil ways will perish so that only one-fourth of mankind will survive. The clergy, too, will be greatly reduced in number, as most of them will die in defense of the faith or of their country” (Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified of Pau, d. 1878).

“The ocean will cast its foaming waves over the land; the earth will be changed to an immense cemetery; the corpses of the wicked and the just will cover the face of the earth. The famine that follows will be great. All vegetation will be destroyed as well a! three-fourths of the human race. The crisis will come all of a sudden and chastisement will be world wide” (Marie-Julie Jahenny of Coyault, France, d. 1941).


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