Home Headlines Reopening July 13: Smoki-Moto by Clark Marriott Hotel 

Reopening July 13: Smoki-Moto by Clark Marriott Hotel 


GM Goeran Soelter invites for a taste of ambrosia.  


The best Korean restaurant in the country’s culinary capital is not only back. It returns even better – greater gustatory delights in dishes as exotic in their names as in their tastes; the best steaks, Wagyu and Australian, this side of the Greater Clark multiverse. 

Talk ambiance, no resto comes close to Smoki-Moto. Perched on the 17th floor of Clark Marriott, the expanse of the freeport, its trees and fairways of greens, the majesty of the Porac and Zambales mountain ranges – as much nourishment for the soul.   

Not even a gloomy twilight can take the majesty of the view from Smoki-Moto

Open Tuesday to Sunday. 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Health protocols strictly enforced.


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