Home Headlines Remote IP villages get relief from Bible group, Singapore firm

Remote IP villages get relief from Bible group, Singapore firm


Donors unload relief goods. Contributed photos

ANGELES CITY — Hardly reached far-flung Aeta communities in Pampangas hinterlands were the beneficiaries in a recently held relief distribution by two charity groups amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Meta Fusion PTE LTD, an IT company in Singapore,and Men in Action, a Bible study group joined resources to help 147 Aeta families in Calapi and Haduan, both sitios of Mabalacat City on the mountainous areas of the Clark Freeport.

“We only want to help our Aeta brothers and sisters in our own little way and we hope to inspire others to do the same,” said a member of the group who asked to be identified as simply Kuyang Sherwin.”.

Down from the hills, across a creek, Aetas meet up with charity groups.

He noted how the beneficiaries, considered to be among the poorest of the poor, queued properly as they received the food packs, profuse in thanking the donors for the 32 sacks of rice, 150 kg of salt, and groceries, among other goods.

Kuyang Sherwin said the Aetas told them how salt is a priced commodity in their villages, serving as primary ingredient in the preparation of their staple food called “Disabug” – a mix of vegetables and herbs.

Observing social distancing, beneficiaries queue for their share.

“We encourage others to do their part and reach-out to these indigenous families and groups as they really need our help,” he stressed. “For us it’s just a small amount of money and a little effort but you won’t be able to describe how grateful these people are.”

“It’s good to know that some church leaders also organized a similar relief distribution there earlier and gave every family some food stuff,” he added.

The two groups, who were also able to distribute trays of eggs and a sack of rice to an orphanage in the area, hope that more people and groups to do the same.


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