‘Release our money for our kids’

    ANGELES CITY – Officers of the Angeles City Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative (ACEMPC) has asked Mayor Francis “Blueboy” Nepomuceno to help them facilitate the release of their remittances from the city treasurer’s office amounting to some P2.8 million as their members need money for school enrollment.

    “We respectfully seek your intercession to facilitate the release by the City Treasurer’s Office of the remittances due our cooperative, specifically in the amount of P941,997.37, representing deductions for members’ loans repayment and share capital contributions for the payroll period of May 1-15, 2010, and P1,763,453.50, representing deductions for members’ midyear bonus loans repayment,” said the ACEMPC letter dated June 1 and signed by Chairman Eric Mendoza and directors Angelito Dizon, Menandro Dizon, Edmundo Deocareza, Donato Dizon and Isabel Ruiz.  Vice Chairman Eden Sangalang did not sign the letter.

    ACEMPC officer also said that “the remittances are badly needed by our cooperative, particularly by most of our members who since early May have applied for their regular loans.”

    They added that members usually avail the loans “at this time of the year to augment funds to shoulder their children’s enrollment expenses.”

    “We understand the austerity conditions that the city government is currently having that, in one way or another, affects its capability to remit on time to the coop, as mandated under Article 58 of Republic Act. No. 9520 (Known as the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008), particularly that remittance must be made “within ten (10) days after the end of the payroll month to the cooperative,” they said.

     “Remittances intended for ACEMPC are derived from deductions from permanent employees’  salaries  which are already supported and guaranteed by the executive budget,” the letter said.

    “We see no reason why remittances to the coop should be withheld every long after payday. The frequency of delayed remittances has now severely impaired our capability to service members’ loan adequately and on time,” they said.


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