
    The Lent season usually comes with every Catholic’s vow to repent, reflect and renew. Repent for all the sins committed during the past year, reflect and contemplate on the path of life at hand, and renew vows with Jesus Christ and God the Father.

    As for non-Catholics, Holy Week means more time with their families because it is long vacation. As for me, it means family reunion on Good Friday. Most of our relatives are non-Catholic so we usually meet during Holy Week. I look forward to Good Fridays because of the food. Yes, my family would not enjoy a reunion without a feast.

    And for most of the executives, career people and everyone else busy with their day-to-day tasks at work, the Lent is a very special break to rest. I received a very enlightening e-mail from a friend that it made me think of what I have been doing lately, even if I do not observe Lent.

    The message was very apt for all the busy people around the world. It says that the first thing we have to do this holy season is to take time to look around and commune with nature. Take time to walk, don’t rush, don’t run. Take time to listen to the wind and the bees, don’t speak, don’t yell, don’t argue…just listen. Take time to smell the flowers and the earth. Take time to enjoy the scenery of nature and most of all take time to be with people you love.

    If it is possible, do no use too much fuel, electricity or anything that usually contributes to the destruction of Mother Earth. No, I am not saying that the Holy Week should be spent for environmental campaign.

    But come to think of it, by taking time to walk you do not need a car and thus, you do not burn fuel. By taking time to listen to the birds, the leaves, the wind, you do not open your MP3s, iPods or laptops just to listen to music. And by sharing golden moments with your love ones this Lent, you will save energy from your office spaces, extension office at home or in your mobile office.Time with children or parents also means no televisions, no entertainment showcase but purely exercise and fun in the sun.

    Another thing that should be done to observe the holy season is to express love and affection to our family, relatives and friends. Make peace with those you hurt even in the smallest possible way. Say the words of love before you run out of time in the future.

    To reflect is to look back. If you have done something wrong, repair it if you can. Or ask for forgiveness if it cannot be repaired. And to renew is to rejuvenate. Not only that we are advised to renew our vows of love for men and God, it is also important to renew our vows to ourselves.

    To others rejuvenate may mean relaxation, reenergize and take lots of rest. They would most likely spend vacation in spas, hotels, leisure parks, beaches and recreational spots around the globe. Or some would simple take a trek, a hike or a pilgrim in their favorite peak, swim in a magnificent river or simply bathe in a pristine waterfall.

    But rejuvenate can also mean renewal of perspective and sometime, beliefs. Although others would prefer a Visita Iglesia in different churches, I believe that renewal of outlook can be found inside our hearts. If we are honest enough to face our sins, our flaws, our hatred, our greed, our darkest desires, then there is room for renewal.

    No matter what profession we have or what we do for living, each has his share of sins. And the Lent gives us enough room to reassess our values, our aspirations and our purpose in life.

    In these times of crises, it is important to have an honest concern for our fellowmen, for the environment and for our spirituality.


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