Red tide reaches Zambales waters


    CITY OF SAN FERNANDO – The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) reported recently that the month-old red tide plague in the waters of Bataan province has already spread to Zambales.

    “The waters off Bataan and Zambales are positive for paralytic shellfish poison beyond the regulatory limit,” BFAR said in an advisory.

    BFAR said that red tide has been confirmed in Masinloc Bay in Zambales, on top of the month-old red tide off the shores of Balanga City and the  municipalities of Mariveles, Limay, Orion, Pilar, Orani, Abucay and Samal in Bataan.

    “All types of shellfish and Acetes sp or “alamang” gathered from the above mentioned areas are not safe for human consumption,” the BFAR said in its advisory.

    BFAR reiterated, however, that fish, squids, shrimps, and crabs are safe to eat provided that they are fresh and washed thoroughly, and internal organs such as gills and intestines are removed before cooking.

    Recent tests conducted by BFAR revealed that the coastal waters of Bulacan in Manila Bay continue to be free from toxic red tides.

    BFAR said that “there is no single cause of red tides and other harmful algae blooms” in bodies of water.

    However, it cited general belief that coastal pollution from human sewage, agricultural runoff and other sources contribute to red tides.

    Rising ocean temperatures also aggravate red tide phenomenon, the BFAR said.

    On the Pacific Coast of the United States, red tide cases have been increasing since about 1991 and scientists found correlation between the increase of Pacific red tides and other harmful algae blooms with a rise in ocean temperature of approximately one degree Celsius as well as increased nutrients in coastal waters from sewage and fertilizers, the BFAR noted.

    BFAR also cited studies indicating that some red tides and harmful algae blooms along the Pacific coast also have been associated with the El Niño phenomenon without any link to pollution.


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