Home Headlines Radio Libertas now on-air

Radio Libertas now on-air


PIA-3 director William Beltran (left) and One Media Pampanga TV44 GM Benny Guinto (right) guest at the maiden episode of the Arangkada Pampanga program of Radio Libertas. Contributed photo

TA. ANA, PampangaThe first-ever educational community radio in eastern Pampanga aired its maiden broadcast from the Holy Cross College here over the weekend.

Radio Libertas for radio of freedom will air programs that “circle on fides or faith in God; caritas or charity for helping others, especially those in need; and libertas or freedom for the press, speech and expression,” explained HCC president Dennis Pangan.

“We are geared to give voice to the marginalized and the laymen who are oftentimes deprived of their rights. We made this radio to give the homeless, the poor, and the needy the chance to speak. Through this radio, they will be heard by the people, and the concerned government officials. They will see how brave the stakeholders are in the HCC, and the students who will direct the radio,” furthered Pangan.

The radio will also produce segments that tackle the pressing issues on national, provincial, and local setting, he said.

Pangan added that beneficiaries of the radio are the Bachelor of Science in Development Communication students of HCC, with the Municipality of Sta. Ana and the whole province of Pampanga, as Radio Libertas serves as platform for communication geared towards development advocacies.

“The radio will be a way to give voices to the people who are neglected by society. As devcom students, we are anchored to inform and educate the people with the things happening in the community. This would start at HCC, and we will widen it outside so that people would know that we have a radio which serves as a way for the people to share their problems and tell their stories,” HCC Development Communicators Association president Sarah Evangelista said.

For his part, Mark Justine Batuhan, one of Arangkada Pampanga segment hosts, said Radio Libertas helpsthem hone their communication skills, and serves as a training ground. 

“With our radio, we can be the voice of our school and our community. This will also be a big help at this time of pandemic. We can’t go to school, and that is why we need to know what is happening inside the school,” he said. 

At its maiden broadcast, Radio Libertas guested Philippine Information Agency regional director William Beltran, and One Media Pampanga TV44 general manager Benny Guinto who discussed the importance of community media and how to fight disinformation.

“We are temporarily heard on the radio. This May, we will try and do our best to register for AM or FM bands. However, those who want to view the programs could watch live on HCC Facebook page, or access it at ZenoFM,” he announced.

He added that the team took only a month to prepare the station. By Jag Lyra Costamero/PIA3


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