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Providing quality education


OUR MISSION as educators is to hone young minds. It is both an honor and responsibility to be a teacher, for we are bound to fulfill out duties just like how soldiers fight for the peace and order to our country.

In our case, we must make sure that learners learn to the fullest, by providing quality education. It is an enormous task, for there are a lot of things to be than for this to be realized. In line with this, when do we that this is achieved, there are so many ways. As for me, I do believe that these things must be evident for as to say that we are attaining the provision of quality education to the learners that we teach.

Educators must highly qualify. Experience matters, Dedication matters, Qualification matter. Teacher are said to be the agents of learning; thus, it lies, in their hands whether quality education is attained. Educators must be competent and compassionate. They must always recharge like batteries by equipping themselves in the latest trends in education, so they would be teaching according to the needs and expectation of the learners.

Another highly significant would be instruction and curriculum. Are the competencies based on the level of the pupils? Would instruction be able to form learners who shall be globally competitive? Shall the information they gain would make them be better not only in grades but in life? Are the aligned on the demands of the society? If the answer to this question is affirmative, then quality of education would indeed be realized.

Not to take for granted are the facilities and materials available. Children would learn to the fullest if they shall be provided with the necessary tools in learning that shall make them maximize the use of cognitive, psychomotor and effective aspect of learning. School must be safe and friendly, and classroom must be felt as if they are at home.

If these things are evident, then learning would likely to take place because we off er the best for them to obtain the quality education that they deserve.

Cynthia S. Dizon
Teacher III
Mexico Elementary School
Mexico South District

(Unsolicited contributions here are unedited, unabridged, as is. Errors in grammar, syntax, etc, solely the writer’s. — Editor)


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