Home Opinion Prayer beautifies

Prayer beautifies


THE GOSPEL tells us “Jesus led Peter, James and John up to a high mountain by themselves.” In other passages, whenever Jesus went up to a mountain, it means he was going into solitude in order to pray. In fact, it is more explicitly said in the version of St. Luke: “Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up the mountain TO PRAY. While he was praying…” (Luke 9:38-29)

What I am puzzled about is that this time, he did not go into prayer by himself as he usually did. He brought with him three of his disciples. And take note, he did not bring them along so they could guard him or just keep him company. He wanted them also “to be by themselves”—meaning, he was teaching them HOW TO PRAY.

We have one passage in Luke Chapter 11, where we are told that the disciples were spying on him as he went into solitude to pray. After Jesus was done with his prayer period, they approached him with the following request, “Lord, teach us to pray…”

Maybe they knew that something wonderful happened to him whenever he prayed; and they wanted to experience it too. Maybe it was precisely in answer to this request that Jesus decided one day to take them with him, precisely to mentor them in the discipline of prayer.

You see, prayer too is a discipline that has to be learned. And let’s admit it, we’re not always successful at it. Haven’t I told you before that not all who pray actually pray? Remember that passage about the Pharisee and the tax-collector who both went to the temple to pray but only the tax-collector actually prayed, as far as Jesus was concerned? The other one appeared to be speaking to God, but was actually too absorbed with himself. In short, he was just engaged in ego-tripping.

Remember when we started Lent on Ash Wednesday, and read the Gospel where Jesus told his disciples that praying did not depend on the combination of words or the frequency of saying them? In fact, praying is not just about what we have to say to God but also about what God has to say to us.

Today’s Gospel tells us one important indicator, in case we want to find out whether or not our prayer is taking effect. It makes us beautiful—often without our knowing it. It gives us that glow, that dazzle that a lot of vain people try to have by buying a lot of skin whiteners and other beauty products.

In Exodus 34:29-30, we are told that when Moses came down from the mountain after praying and receiving the ten commandments, he did not know that “the skin on his face had become very radiant” and that when Aaron and the other Israelites noticed it, they were afraid to come near him.

How, indeed, are we supposed to pray? Let’s take it from Jesus:

First, by soaking in the Scriptures, and allowing God to speak to us through them. Luke says Moses and Elijah were “conversing” with Jesus. For the Jews, Moses stands for that part of the Bible they call the Torah (Law), and Elijah for the part they call the Nebi’im (Prophets). In prayer, the words of the Scriptures as it were come alive; like the characters are literally leaping out of the book and having a hearttoheart talk with us. Luke’s version tells us they spoke to him about his “Exodus, his own mission in Jerusalem. He was teaching his disciples that Jerusalem was not anything to be afraid of; it was in fact their route to their redemption in order to become children of God.

Second, by being awakened from slumber. Prayer is what makes faith possible. Pope Benedict once defined faith as “the human response to the God who speaks to us; a response of love to the God who loved us first.” It is a response! How can we even know how to respond if we are not even aware that God is speaking to us? How can we even know how to love God if we have not, first of all, been awakened to the love of God? In fact, the experience of being loved by God can be so dazzling, we do not even know how to respond, like the disciples who awkwardly propose to build tents.

Thirdly, by having the courage to enter into the dark clouds of doubts and uncertainties in order to learn how to be guided by God. That is not possible if we do not know how to listen. It was not while they were dazzled by the majestic sight but rather when they were overshadowed by the dark cloud that they heard the Father’s voice. No one but the Father could reveal to them the beauty of Jesus’ person: as the Christ, the Son of God. This is my Son, my Beloved, listen to him!

By way of analogy, let me share with you how I learned what it meant to listen to the Father’s voice when I was a child. I remember when I was a little boy how much I wanted to win the “Hampas Palayok” (Hit the Pot) game. It was from my own father that I got the mentoring. He said, “You will be blindfolded, turned around until you get dizzy and confused. Then you will hear many voices telling you what to do and where to go. Some of them are deliberately misleading you so that you will stray farther from the pot and lose. Do not listen to them. You know my voice, don’t you? Just concentrate. Sort out the voices and find out which one is mine. Listen only to me. Then I can guide you to hit the pot.”

You see, the discipline of prayer goes with the discipline of discernment. We tend to talk too much in prayer. Often, we don’t even make sense. There is a point in prayer when we must learn to shut up and just listen.

There you have them. Three important beauty tips for spiritual grooming. One, soak in the Scriptures. Two, be awakened from slumber. Three, shut up and listen. And how do you know you’re getting transfigured? Not by looking at a mirror. That beauty will be reflected in the eyes of the beholder, those who are disposed to see the Glory of God in a person who is fully alive!

(Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, 28 February 2021, Mk 9:2-10)


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