Poor losers

    Gonzales, Ermita, Atienza, the names are familiar. All are close to Malacañang. Except for Gonzales who is the Secretary of National Defense. The two others were losers in the last elections.

    It is sad to note that all have been linked to Robin, the Koala whistle-blower who blew the whistle so loud nobody listened except his handlers. These if we are to believe Congressman Teddy Boy Locsin who is investigating the Koala caper. While Robin the koala linked Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay as one of the beneficiaries together with President elect Noy Noy Aquino, Locsin traced the source to Malacañang. Locsin was challenged to show proof of his allegation.

    But that should not be the end of it all. The Koala should be unmasked and identified. He should be forced to identify the person or persons who directed the poorly-written script.

    Perhaps Mayor Binay is preparing criminal charges against the whistle blower. To say the least this is what he deserves.

    And behind all these some people think these are a prelude to a no-proclamation scenario.

    It is this easy said one observer:

    a. muddle the whole proclamation process with debates and all sorts of delays.

    b. ask congress to postpone the canvassing because of so many alleged irregularities.

    c. so these is no president elect who could succeed PGMA. She will be the handover chief of state.

    All these may not easy. But it could be possible although PGMA said that she would step down as president come June 30, the end of her term.

    Going back to some of the losers in the last poll who claim they were cheated.

    The problem with these people is it is only now when they lost that the alleged automated dagdag bawas was made public. These people never bothered to find out the identity of the people who offered them the cheating scheme. Some of these losers are not idiots. They are intelligent people and it is beyond me why they never asked for the identity of these people and much less report the criminal proposals to the authorities. If only for this they deserve to lose. They showed not be in public office.

    Let us wait for the result of the investigation and find out who are the liars looking for an excuse in their defeat.

    Whatever happened to the implementing rules and guidelines to the amended senior citizens law? Will this task be left to the next administration? Is it not enough that the problems of the present administration be inherited by Noy Noy and company?


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