PNoy’s aunt urges flowers, Mass cards at Camp Crame


    CLARK FREEPORT Presidential aunt, former  Tarlac Gov. Margarita “Tingting” Cojuangco  expressed yesterday   both anger and sadness  over the death of 44 policemen who were killed  Sunday in Mamasapano,  Maguindanao.

    “Let’s express our  heartfelt dismay and our  sympathy to the family  and close friends of our courageous fallen    policemen who died in the service for the country  by offering flowers andMass cards at the entrance  of Camp   Crame,”  Cojuangco said in a text message sent to media  and friends. 

    Cojuangco is known for her humanitarian  projects and her work among Muslim communities. She had participated  in the peace talks with the Moro National Liberation Front.  “The whole country  mourns the loss of more than 44 precious lives of  the elite SAF of the PNP.

    We  re angry and we are  sad on how they were brutally killed,” she also  said, urging receivers of her text to  pass on her message.  Cojuangco, along with her husband former  Rep. Jose “Peping Cojuangco,” has been a  member of the National  Transformation Council (NTC) which at one time  called for the resignationof Pres. Aquino.    

    In August last year,the NTC in Lipa City, headed by Archbishop  Ramon Arquelles, issued a declaration  saying that “far from preserving and defending the constitution,  as he swore to do when he assumed office,  the incumbent President Benigno Simeon Aquino has subverted and  violated it by corrupting Congress, intimidating the judiciary, taking over the treasury, manipulating the automated voting  system, and perverting  the constitutional  impeachment process.” 

    It also said the President “has also damaged  the moral fabric of Philippine Society by bribing members of Congress not only to impeach and  remove a sitting Supreme  Court Chief Justice but also to enact a law which disrespects the right to  life of human being at the earliest and most vulnerable  stages of their lives, in defiance not only of the  constitution but above all  of the moral law, the customs, culture, and consciences  of  Filipinos.”

    “We further declare that  we have lost all trust and confidence in President  Benigno Simeon  Aquino III, and we call upon him to   immediately relinquish his position,”  the resolution added.  


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