PNoy boosts Tarlac bid as PHL ‘Belen’ capital


    ANGELES CITY – Pres. Aquino boosted the bid of Tarlac province as the “Belen” capital of the Philippines by giving out awards to the best belen or Christmas nativity scene displays in his native Concepcion hometown last Friday.

    “With the relentless effort of the organizers coupled with the support of the local residents, Belenismo would flourish even more and can contribute to national development as it could generate business investments and livelihood,” the President said during the awarding rites held at the Jesus R. Lapus Memorial Sports Complex in Concepcion.

    It was the 5th Belenismo awards ceremony which was started by the local government in 2007 designed to “restore the religious and social significance of the belen as a symbol of Christmas.”

    Local officials said the project was also expected to “promote the bayanihan spirit among Tarlaqueños as well as to increase tourist volume in the province during the holiday season and intensify its claim as the “Belen Capital of the Philippines.”

    Aquino handed out trophies and plaques to winners in categories for belen diorama entries from for high schoolers, church, local government units, government agencies and non- government agencies.

    In his message, the President said “the Belenismo showcases not only the creativity of Tarlaqueños but more significantly it depicts their deep faith in God.”

    He lauded the Tarlac Heritage Foundation and the Tarlac provincial government for unifying the whole province through the project.


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