Home Headlines PhilHealth Digitalization on track

PhilHealth Digitalization on track

In photo (L-R): PhilHealth Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Atty. Eli Dino D. Santos, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer Jovita V. Aragona, President and Chief Executive Officer Emmanuel R. Ledesma, Jr., DICT Secretary Ivan John E. Uy and Undersecretary David L. Almirol, Jr. during the ceremonial launching of the ePhilHealth platform on July 9, 2024 in Pasig City.

In a bid to make services truly accessible and within reach by as many Filipinos as possible,  the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) introduces another innovation in  the field of digital transformation system through its new ePhilHealth platform. 

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and PhilHealth co developed and launched ePhilHealth platform, an integration platform that plays a crucial  role in PhilHealth’s digital transformation to support streamlining of government processes.  

This platform aims to gradually move all PhilHealth legacy systems into new and secure  systems through the establishment of a National Health Data Repository (NHDR) and  integration with the DICT’s eGovernment Data Exchange Platform (eGovDX). New features  such as members profiles, beneficiaries, contributions, claims history, and eKonsulta  registration were successfully launched to allow members to enjoy PhilHealth services at  ease, even from the comfort of their homes. 

Digitalization plays an important role in efficient government service delivery for our  members. I assure everyone that PhilHealth will continuously enhance, update, and expand  its digital solutions and innovations for the benefit of our members who are increasingly  getting digital,” PhilHealth President and CEO Emmanuel R. Ledesma, Jr. said. 

The initiative is in line with the aggressive digitalization program of the government that  aims to improve member experience as mandated by Republic Act No. 11032 or the Ease of  Doing Business Law and as directed by President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. to accelerate  digitalization initiatives to improve public service delivery. 

Being one of the first agencies to integrate in eGovPH Super App and Digital National ID,  PhilHealth assures the public that more responsive and client-centric health insurance  services are expected.  

Successful integration of the new PhilHealth Platform to the National ID eVerify also  streamlined and secured members verification and identity. 

The new eKonsulta Registration will allow users to register to any Konsulta Package Provider  nationwide. 

Through the eGovPH Super App, members can now check their members profiles and  beneficiaries; contributions and payment history; access and manage their health insurance  details including policy information and coverage; including claims history. 

Before the end of the year, more exciting features will be added to the new platform as  PhilHealth journeys towards its digital transformation. 

Ledesma appealed to the members to start using the eGovPH app as part of the Agency’s  commitment to deliver strategic nationwide digitalization for the benefit of Filipino citizens.  “Let us continue to work hand in hand to deliver the promise of a digitally empowered  nation. Together, we can build a future where public service is synonymous with excellence,  efficiency, and empathy“, the PhilHealth Chief added.


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