Peace Corps train in Bagac


    BAGAC, Bataan- Thirty-one trainees of the United States Peace Corps started on Wednesday the first day of their three-month activity in Bagac, Bataan.

    Mayor Ramil del Rosario welcomed and officially opened the gates of the town to the trainees who were divided into three groups. They were assigned in Barangaya Atilano, Tabing-Ilog and Ibaba. Some 31 foster families were selected to accommodate a trainee each during the duration of their stay.

    The mayor assured the Americans of their safety. “We are very grateful to all of you. I sincerely believe that your brief stay here will be fruitful and a signifi cant one,” del Rosario said. In a short program, the trainees tried to introduce themselves one by one in Filipino the best way they could.

    They enjoyed later a snack of turon and cashew nuts. “I joined the training to be of help and to serve and learn from the cultural exchange,” Emilee Smith said. They will mingle with local folk and assist in community undertaking.

    She said that they will be training for three months and then serve as volunteers for two years. No age requirement is needed to enter the American Peace Corps but applicants have to possess a college degree.


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