Home Headlines Palitana: The city that prosecutes non-vegetarians

Palitana: The city that prosecutes non-vegetarians


WHEN MY fellow holistic health healers from India learned that I am a pure vegetarian, they urged me to go to Palitana. Thinking excitedly that perhaps this place is surrounded by sacred temples, holy ashrams, tranquil yoga spaces, and nature spots for quiet that is why it is greatly recommended, still I made my own diligent research. What a heavenly surprise did I find.

Palitana is the first only-pure vegetarian city in the world. It is located in the southwest of Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India. The only place where non-vegetarian foods are considered illegal commodities and sellers of non-vegetarian get prosecuted.

This out-of-the-ordinary law transpired after the Jain monks fasted for many days in protest of the violent murders of innocent animals in their city. The event greatly impacted the heart of the population which resulted to the order of the state to shut down more than 250 butchery shops and prohibit the trade in non-vegetarian items.

The movement was also partly inspired from the honorable act of the globally admired Mahatma Gandhi when he fasted for three weeks for self-purification at the time of the struggle for Indian independence from Great Britain. An action which life-changing message is for people to spiritually reflect – to see the truth – and unite in peace and harmony.

Gandhi was a full-pledged vegetarian and a strong believer of “ahimsa” (non- violence). Honoring and respected all sentient beings – recognizing that every creation has the right to live in peace in the land that God has created. This principle aligned with the policy of cause-no-harm in the states of Rajkot and Junagadh.

Many think that not consuming animal meat will result to imbalanced body nutrients, low energy, and physical weakness. If this concept is true, how come vegetarian animals like the carabao, cows, elephants display robust health, supreme strength, supreme energy, with calm and quiet nature. Look at the yogis, they can lift their bodies up, in different positions carrying their body weight with effortless ease. Their diet is completely plant-based.

Observe the carnivorous animals – tigers, lions, snakes. They are always resting and lazy because of the effect of their nutrition. Meat takes time to digest and takes toll on the digestive system. On top of that, these animals are wildly aggressive and hot tempered.

I am not trying to convince anyone reading this to convert to vegetarianism. Rather, I would like to promote a heightened awareness and consciousness in your everyday choices – like your food. Your body is a temple of your blessed soul or spirit. Choose well what you allow within.










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