Home Headlines PAF Initiatives to Intensify E-CLIP to forge new horizons

PAF Initiatives to Intensify E-CLIP to forge new horizons

Photos during the Joint Inter Agency Coordination with Provincial Social Welfare and DevelopmentOffice (PSWDO) ICOW Pampanga E-CLIP Committee updates

 It has been more than five decades since the country had these struggles of fostering peace and development hindered by armed-struggles caused by secessionists or the enemies of the state. With the Government’s desire to end up these catastrophic scenarios, laws and policies had to be reviewed and promulgated. To be fair just and humane, government programs were installed under the National Task Force for Ending Local Communism (NTF-ELCAC) to ensure that elements of the CPP-NPA-NDF who surfaced and wanted to return into the folds of law would become productive citizens of the society. These are but noble programs that would greatly support the right ideals thus, giving them the chance to regain their status as free individuals.  Being free would mean giving them opportunity to allow them to embark anew and blaze new horizons which is the basis of a free and democratic country.

In line with the Philippine Air Force’s (PAF’s) support to the NTF-ELCAC, the Civil Military Operations (CMO) personnel of Air Logistics Command (ALC) conducted a series of Inter-Agency Coordination with the Pampanga Local Government, specifically at the Provincial Social Welfare & Development Office (PSWD). The aim of the said coordination is to have a collaborative activity with LGUs through the information and dissemination of the Enhanced Comprehensive Localized Integration Program (E-CLIP) to encourage active and former rebels to again become a normal citizen part of the society. Activities such as Forums using Face to Face engagements and online platforms shall be utilized in order to deliver the necessary messaging to online audiences and barangay officials within the Province of Pampanga. 

At present, the Province of Pampanga has established the Pampanga E-CLIP Committee headed the Governor with members from the AFP & other government agencies. PSWD is the secretariat of the said committee which oversees the implementation of E-CLIP to its beneficiaries.


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