This view was aired by Dr. Ruben Sevilleja, president of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU), when his reaction was sought about the recent win by the Filipino boxer against Oscar de la Hoya.
“Manny Pacquiao deserves the highest accolade befitting a man who is the epitome of good human values – hardworking, humble, God-loving, places country above self, real sportsman, among others. He deserves to be bestowed an honorary doctoral degree,” Sevilleja said in a phone interview.
“I would love to be able to introduce him before our students as our hero not only in the hearts of many Filipinos but other sports-lovers in the world,” he added.
As everybody knows, Pacquiao is currently enrolled in an educational institution somewhere to finish a collegiate course.
In his recent and past fights, the great Filipino boxer showed his humility in the aftermath of great triumphs. After his conquest of De la Hoya, for example, Manny told the Mexican boxer: “You’re still my idol”. (De la Hoya was quoted as retorting: “No, you’re my idol.”)
In another instance, Pacquiao was seen in a scene in his fight with David Diaz as trying to help the fallen Mexican boxer rather than going first into a celebratory stance which was often the case for other winners.
Sevilleja said it will be a great honor to have Pacquiao as guest speaker in a forum or a graduation program in CLSU. He will even support the approval by the academic council to grant Pacquiao an honorary doctoral degree if somebody will propose it, he said.
CLSU, which started as a farm school in 1907, has honored with honorary doctoral degrees several personalities which distinguished themselves in many human fields of endeavor.
On the other hand, Supt. Eliseo Cruz, chief of police of Cabanatuan City, said what others are now saying after the victory of Manny Pacquiao in his clash with De la Hoya.
“Manny Pacquiao is now the greatest boxer in the world. Tinalo niya kasi iyong sinasabing pinakamagaling – e di siya na nga ang pinakamagaling ngayon. (He defeated the one touted as the best – therefore he is now the best),” Cruz said.
“I salute him for his feat,” he added.
Like in the past many fights of Pacquiao, Cruz said no untoward incident happened in Cabanatuan City during the figh