Home Headlines P49-M slope protection project in AC completed

P49-M slope protection project in AC completed


Concrete-armored banks of meandering Abacan River. Contributed photo

The Department of Public Works and Highways reported Monday its completion of a new slope protection project along Abacan River here.

Public Works Secretary Mark Villar said the 465-meter slope protection will prevent scouring along the riverbank that damages crops and properties on the low-lying plains of barangays Pandan and Capaya.

“This aims to provide stability and protection against landslide and flooding like the most recent typhoons that caused overflowing of the water tributaries in Pampanga,” Villar added.

The P49 million project was funded under the 2020 General Appropriations Act.
It covered the construction of a slope protection with steel sheet pile foundation to prevent river obstruction from landslide, rockslides, and flooding.

“By constructing flood control structures like this all over the country, we hope to protect lives and mitigate damage to properties, so we can focus on economic development,” Villar said. Carlo Lorenzo J. Datu/PIA3


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