Ordinance to address lack of jobs in AC

    CLARK FREEPORT – Lack of jobs for residents in the nearby communities of this freeport especially Angeles City would soon be a thing of the past.

    This was assured by Angeles City Councilor Bryan Nepomuceno who said an ordinance that strengthened the Angeles City Public Employment and Services Office (PESO) would now be implemented to match jobseekers with employers.

    Nepomuceno explained during the media forum “Talk Widus” organized by the Pampanga Press Club (PPC) in cooperation with the Widus Hotel and Casino here at the hotel’s Prism Lounge on Wednesday that the main thrust of the ordinance was to institutionalize the PESO which now compels businesses to submit their requirements for human resources and put up a workers’ registry.

    Prior to the ordinance, Nepomuceno said the PESO exists only because of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the city and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) which could expire or be rescinded anytime.

    But with the passage of the said ordinance in October last year, Nepomuceno said the PESO is now institutionalized. “My main concern was to create jobs for our people,” he said. “It was my campaign promise which I have delivered,” he added.

    The youthful councilor said jobseekers from other communities can also go to the Angeles PESO to register in the workers’ registry.

    Jobseekers can file their resume with their corresponding skills and addresses with the PESO and businesses can file their requirements for human resources.

    However, Nepomuceno explained that the ordinance is yet to be implemented because it was passed in the fourth quarter last year.

    He said the idea is to implement it during the start of the year when businesses apply for business permits.

    Nepomuceno said during dialogues with Clark locators and other employers, their common problem is the lack of skilled workers.

    But he said when he goes to the barangays he is met with a lot of jobseekers who doesn’t know where to go.

    Nepomuceno said with the PESO, jobseekers and employers can finally meet and match their requirements with the workers’ registry.

    It is lamentable, he said, that companies in Clark or in nearby communities recruit their workers from as far as Pangasinan, Bataan and Bulacan because they cannot find workers here.

    Nepomuceno said IQOR, a BPO company here, has decided to locate in Cavite rather than expand its operations here because of the lack of personnel.

    He said the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority is also instrumental in equipping jobseekers with the necessary skills needed by various factories and companies in this freeport.


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