THE DEPARTMENT of Health said some 208,000 dengue cases have been recorded this year alone, with 807 deaths from Jan. 1 to Aug. 3. Around 980 leptospirosis cases have also been recorded, with 112 deaths.
Yes, it is time to storm the heavens with our fervent prayers. From the Archdiocese of Manila:
ALMIGHTY AND loving Father,
we thank you for the life that is your gift,
for the providence that sustains us,
and for your wisdom that directs
the course of our days.
Forgive our sins against your love,
against each other, and against your creation.
Make us responsible stewards of your creation.
The plague of dengue fever and leptospirosis
are upon us today.
These diseases have caused much suff ering
and have claimed many lives.
We humbly beg You, loving Father,
to deliver us from these and other diseases.
Heal those who are afflicted.
Strengthen us in charity to care for each other.
We ask this through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
God, forever and ever. Amen.
Our Lady, Health of the Sick, pray for us.
St. Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
San Roque, pray for us.
San Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.
San Pedro Calungsod, pray for us.