The less vocal readers, who comprise the majority, are the ones who like reading about supernatural things, such as those on Purgatory that I serialize in this space every now and then. I know, because they can become very vocal in asking me to go on with such series.
Responding to their requests, I am again into another series on Purgatory. I have not run out of sources, thanks to the many years that enabled my to pile up on materials on the subject, as not even the Internet can be as helpful.
Why Purgatory? For two reasons: because most people land there after “crossing the veil” (euphemism for dying) and because the entry into Heaven of those still there can be hastened by those still on earth. In other words, the series prepare people for their purgatorial landing to minimize their shock of it.
Yet better, inspires them to avoid such landing altogether and to go straight to Heaven. Yet best, calls on earthfolk to pray for the deliverance of those still in Purgatory; they can be very grateful to those who do them such favor.
From a publication (no longer published) with nihil obstat and imprimatur and translated by Fr. Adolf Faroni SDB, the following quotes from a girl who was allowed to see and have insights into Purgatory.
“The souls of Purgatory are wrapped by a kind of veil, by a hard bark. It is the bark which closed them up in their earthly life: the soul’s ego, the excessive looking after themselves, the world, the thought of oneself and one’s own reputation and all the things which seemed so important…
The bark in made of these things and the light of God can hardly penetrate them.”
About intelligent men who seem to do good things in their lives, take note of the following quote: “There are men who in their lifetime had great wisdom and who also did great good to humanity, who have used their tongue for all that was good and right.
But all these were done only for their own ambitious wisdom; they had completely plunged into the spirit of the world, living in excessive independence, without entertaining themselves in the light of the Divine Master. These souls reach eternity with the greatest ignorance.”
Be careful, too, that when you go to church or practice other religious traditions, you are not merely deceiving yourselves. Our source has this warning:
“Down in Purgatory I saw many souls who wanted to become saints out of self love or because of obstinacy, or who decided to live a holy live to please their spiritual director.”
“There are souls who exercised all the works of piety, but were not humble, others who did not want to recognize their own errors, who were all possessed by their ego and thought they were walking along the best road.”
How does one pass briefly through Purgatory, if at all? Here’s a view from the girl: “Everything takes place more easily and faster if the soul is sincere, humble and trustful.
The Merciful Love rejoices greatly for His repented son, excuses his faults and his weaknesses, pays his debts. There is no idea on earth how fast such as soul can enter Paradise.”
As for plunderers in and outside government, as well as for those who oppress others in whatever way, our source has this to say:
“How severely the soul expiates who has unreasonably imposed on others heavy sacrifices. God alone has the right to impose them because He does it out of love, later to reward the souls a thousand times.”
Of course, there are plunderers and others of their kind who land in hell, never to be heard from again. For all eternity.