WHAT HAS a father to say on his daughter’s wedding day?
First comes to mind the overwrought cliché
Of one gaining a son, not losing a daughter.
Some consoling thought there, though bittersweet
Suppressing my tears, as I look back over all the years.
Now hear I can the lilting strain of that song on sunsets and sunrises
Of how swiftly fly the years, of the little girl turned radiant bride.
So really hard now to hold back the tears, in remembering
Sweet Iona Katrina with the puffed up cheeks
Learning to doodle, to write, to read
Cutting her bangs that gave mom the fit.
Funny now how the early years have stayed
So clear to mind, in memory so fresh
When all I see in the later age are bits and snatches —
Of you at PHS, then at UP striving to make the grade.
Ah, forgive me child, daddy is getting into dotage.
Rest assured though that in my heart so deep
These beautiful memories, as jewels I shall forever keep.
Tomorrow when I walk you down the aisle
To pledge your love to David before God and man
I pray – the Lord to bless you everyday,
For you to treasure every moment you share,
For your love to triumph over all hardships that come your way,
For you to ever be as happy as you are today.
As marriage is not all moonlight and roses,
Having its full share of thorns and thistles,
So you must in such unhappy times,
Look back on this your wedding day
Refreshed, revived, renewed then —
Let go. Live love. Let God.
The life we’ve had, remember too.
And how much we love the two of you.
Always, MOM and DAD
First comes to mind the overwrought cliché
Of one gaining a son, not losing a daughter.
Some consoling thought there, though bittersweet
Suppressing my tears, as I look back over all the years.
Now hear I can the lilting strain of that song on sunsets and sunrises
Of how swiftly fly the years, of the little girl turned radiant bride.
So really hard now to hold back the tears, in remembering
Sweet Iona Katrina with the puffed up cheeks
Learning to doodle, to write, to read
Cutting her bangs that gave mom the fit.
Funny now how the early years have stayed
So clear to mind, in memory so fresh
When all I see in the later age are bits and snatches —
Of you at PHS, then at UP striving to make the grade.
Ah, forgive me child, daddy is getting into dotage.
Rest assured though that in my heart so deep
These beautiful memories, as jewels I shall forever keep.
Tomorrow when I walk you down the aisle
To pledge your love to David before God and man
I pray – the Lord to bless you everyday,
For you to treasure every moment you share,
For your love to triumph over all hardships that come your way,
For you to ever be as happy as you are today.
As marriage is not all moonlight and roses,
Having its full share of thorns and thistles,
So you must in such unhappy times,
Look back on this your wedding day
Refreshed, revived, renewed then —
Let go. Live love. Let God.
The life we’ve had, remember too.
And how much we love the two of you.
Always, MOM and DAD